Free 7 Day Challenge & Seminar info - Tara Hammett

Free 7 Day Challenge & Seminar info

Finding it hard to find motivation is one of the the BIGGEST problems so many people struggle with.

Know you should do it...but don't.

So, have a little watch of my video from last night.

I tell you all about how it took me 25 days to get yoga motivated,
What I did to get started and how I'm gonna help you have an awesome week next week.

I had a comment on my Facebook from a girl that has a holiday to look forward to in the Summer and is worried about being the frumpy one amongst all the 'Skinny's'

The time to start on the Summer Body (and rest of life body) is to start NOW!!

My Free 7 Day Challenge will be in my Taransformer group on FB.

And if you need help with motivation PLUS

  •  Emotional Eating
  •  Staring, but giving up too easy
  • Don't want to give up the wine/choc/cheese
  • Have a wardrobe full of clothes you don't fit into

You'll LOVE my Free Seminar on 7th Feb

There's only 100 seats and 72 of those have gone already, so don't miss your spot.

Click Here Now to save a space and get excited to be motivated and find your will power to change

I hope to see you there!

  • January 26, 2018