Free 30 day challenge time! - Tara Hammett

Free 30 day challenge time!

The best thing about what I do and the community of girls akathe  ‘TARAnsformer’s is The girls!!
Yesterday two girls created (completely unaware at the time), massive inspiration.
Michelle, who’s in the Life Taransformer Team asked if any of the other girls wanted to join her in a 7 Day HIIT challenge to help her get motivated to get back into the routine.
Now we have #michelleschallenge and #michelleathon and the girls are all joining in.
She’s inspired and inspiring!!
Next, Katie.
Katie posted on my wall for me to share the 30 Day Cardio Core Challenge
Remember this?
This little beauty was created after Beth & Claire wanted MORE!
After I had Danny, I started my baby steps back to my body by doing the
30 Day Butt Challenge and asked who wanted to join me
quite a few as it happens.
But that wasn’t enough!
Once you started, you wanted more
so the 30 Day Cardio Core Challenge was created.
I designed this one as I wanted to get some easy cardio into my day…without leaving the house and to tighten my abs post baby bump.
It worked and now it seems many want to do it again.
So here we go.
If you want to join in, get declaring in the Free Taransformer Group and get started.
Stay Consistent and take it one day at a time.
Up for it????
Here’s the group link
Hope to see you in there!
Tara xx
P.S If there’s something you’d like, an idea you have or some motivation you need…do what Michelle, Katie, Beth, Claire and so many others did….ASK!
  • September 5, 2017