THE formula for losing weight - Tara Hammett

THE formula for losing weight

Let's just keep it SIMPLE

So this week I made this super easy, fast, cheap meal at home

Cajun Chicken & Veg

As you'll see it may not be the prettiest meal BUT after I posted it in the 6 week body plan group
(I share all my meals in there for the girls to follow), a few of them complimented it and asked for the recipe.

it was soooooo easy and wasn't one of my best presented meals but, it was REAL.

No Fuss
No Complicated Instructions
No Waiting Until My Food Shop Was Done

It was thrown together, hot, comforting, we both enjoyed a big plate of it and were full up.

In fact, you know what it's is BUSY!

I've been running around getting stuff ready for Danny's birthday,
Being a busy working mum I made it 3 days in a row.

All we needed were some kitchen basics!

The veg was all frozen so we had plenty of stock.
The spices and flavourings were just sitting in the cupboards,
all we needed was fresh chicken.

I cooked all the chicken the one day,
stored the rest in the fridge and it was ready for me to chop up and add to the pan when we were ready for food.

And this is just the type of thing you need to be doing to survive the winter with some delicious comfort food and take steps towards your body goals.

If you've got plenty of vegetables at home,
some lean meat or fish,
herbs & can't go wrong

(You've just got to have the willpower to stay away from the goodies you may still have hanging around from Christmas...if you have any)

With all your meals KEEP IT SIMPLE.

This is one of the easiest things for you to remember if you want to eat healthier and lose weight.

Are you following me on Instagram???

^^ That's the link straight to my page

I'm always loading free recipes and meal ideas on there.

You stuck for brekkie ideas? they're there
You stuck for lunch?
Time saving?
Eating out?

All my tips are there and on my 24 story you can see a lot more behind the scenes.

Making change is hard, but a bit of daily inspiration can motivate you to try the same.

Maybe you'd even like to see my food shop receipt? Let me know!

Cajun Chicken Recipe


  • Diced Chicken Breast
  • 1 Chopped onion
  • 1 tin tomatoes
  • 1/2 tspn cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 tspn cumin powder
  • Salt & pepper to taste


Add the onion & chicken to a hot pan. Cook until chicken is cooked. Add the tomatoes, cayenne pepper, cumin powder, salt & pepper. Simmer for 10-15 mins and serve with your fave veggies.

It is so cheap and easy to make.

Try it...and don't over complicate things.

You really can do it!!

  • January 10, 2018