Fancy a 30 Day Motivation Challenge?

Are you up for a 30 day challenge?
Yesterday I had a huge response to my ‘holiday body’ tips.
On my Instagram story yesterday 81% of my followers said they need a ‘kick up the butt’ to get motivated to change.
So many have something coming up and really want to feel better about themselves and the BIGGEST thing they need help with is MOTIVATION.
Many have had ideas and plans to lose weight yet end up keeping them as plans or ideas. Time goes by and nothing changes.
“The diet starts tomorrow”….but how long are you going to wait until you really do demand the best from yourself and make that change?
You need to figure out exactly why you aren’t changing – then do it!
Start living to life you want with the health and body you want – not the one you dream of that’s you’ll start working on ‘tomorrow’.
Finding motivation to do it is hard.
So I had an idea
A 30 day ‘Get Motivated’ challenge
It’ll be a mixture of exercise, nutrition, mindset, gratitude and YOU time stuff.
Up for it?
Want to join in?
Think you could do this for 30 days?
I want to get an idea of how many like this idea and would be up for me developing it further.
If you’re interested click this link and register.
Got another idea?
Email me back
It’s time to Get Motivated!!