Excited or Nervous for Tomorrow? - Tara Hammett

Excited or Nervous for Tomorrow?

I’m opening the  PARTY BODY PLAN
I’m so excited for this….I’m even putting my Christmas decorations up on Saturday!!!
True story…..I won’t be keeping them up…but I may fill it with Halloween decs til the end of the month 😉
I’ve just got a few things for you to think about today
Then hopefully take action on.
Have you done one of my programmes?
Maybe you did one or two, got great results,
felt awesome and decided to go it alone.
Where are you now?
Perhaps you’ve thought about joining in and just never bothered.
Something’s coming up
Not much money
Can’t be bothered
What if you don’t like it and fail?
If you carry on thinking like this…where do you think you’ll be in 9 weeks time? Just a few days before Christmas?
Last year I helped so many girls to LOSE WEIGHT in the run up to Christmas, not put it on.
Are you going to be one of those?
It’s time to prepare to act.
Right now you may think your weight is a big problem, but is it really as bad as you think?
You’ll make such a difference in your actions when you realise that some things are never really as bad as they seem…but losing your head over them is a problem.
What is really getting in the way of you reaching your goals?
Your thoughts and your actions (or lack of them)
Once you put things into perspective and have a clearer head, you can feel stronger to act.
Weigh up the costs and the benefits
What is more important to you?
I know nerves can get the better of anyone, but taking risks and overcoming perceived obstacles are what we all need to do to get what we want.
…and we need support to take the first step.
Maybe getting a head start and the Party Body Plan for free sounds like what you need.
As part of the Life Taransformer 13 programme that’s exactly what you’ll get and you can apply to join in now
Click here ^^ and lets chat!
We open Monday and I’ll be with you right up to 18th December to help you get to your goals!
Questions? Email me
  • October 19, 2017