[Day 2 Gift]: On the 2nd Day of Christmas - Tara Hammett

[Day 2 Gift]: On the 2nd Day of Christmas

This Has Been One Of The Most Popular Comfort Food Recipes In The Party Body Plan

“On the Second Day Of Christmas, Tara sent to Meeeeeee

A Savoury Pie Yummy Recipeeeeeee”






Everything you want on a cold evening with little effort.

This time of year is sooooo hard to eat healthy.

Tins of choccies

Boxes of biscuits

Few more bottles of celebratory drinkies

All for when the visitors come (but you end up devouring most of it!)

So this recipe is easy for you to follow and know you’ve got a healthy, hearty meal to enjoy for dinner and maybe have some left over for lunch the next day.

Here’s the recipe for you:


2 packs turkey mince

1 chopped onion

2 cups frozen pease

2 cups frozen carrot slices

1 tin chopped tomatoes

1 tbspn tomato Puree

1 cup chicken/beef stock

Sweet Potato mash (Either shop bought with no additives or roast & mash 1 pack of frozen chunks)

1 tsp Rosemary

1 tsp Thyme

Salt & Pepper


Brown off the onions and turkey and add all the seasoning & herbs. Add the frozen peas, carrots, tomatoes, tomato puree & stock. Simmer for 10-15 mins. Add the mince to an oven proof dish. Top with your sweet potato and a small sprinkling of cheese. Cook in the oven for 15-20 mins at approx 160 degrees.

Serves 5-6. Serve with your fave veggies


Tara xxx

P.S Look out for a bumper day of gifts tomorrow! 

  • December 12, 2017