Daily Freebies Starts Tomorrow - Tara Hammett

Daily Freebies Starts Tomorrow

Tomorrow is Day 1 of my 12 days of Fitness so be sure to get on my list to make sure you get tomorrows freebie. CLICK HERE
And as it went so well last week ( Super well for me as I had to get up! Nothing like being accountable)
I’ll be LIVE on Facebook at 6:30am for another 12min HIIT
So I’m now going to set you some tasks, if you’re up for it:
1) Get a piece of paper and set yourself a little goal for the next week
Be specific like, I WILL drink 2 litres of water each day (regular festive drinks are gonna make us all dehydrated)
I WILL have a healthy breakfast that’s protein based.
I WILL do 3 Workouts this week
I WILL set my alarm for 6am and get up to workout live with Tara
Whatever it may be, set a task for the week and get it done.
2) Set your alarm for 6am
3) Get some kit out tonight ready for the morning
4) Get your weights or cans or bottles of water to use for toning up.
we’re in our last week of the Party Body Plan so the effort is going to be ramped up and we’ll be starting to think about how we’re going to thoroughly enjoy Christmas and make 2018 kick off with the best start.
Tara xxx
P.S Have you ever actually sat and made a plan on how you’ll reach your goals?
Do you even have any goals or any idea how you’re going to reach them?
I’ve got a new Goal Setting week coming which will help you make a plan to change and achieve anything you want. This is going to get us all thinking about what we want and why we even care.
I’m excited to do it myself
  • December 10, 2017