Are you good enough? - Tara Hammett

Are you good enough?


First up…


Get in the group NOW – HERE

Do something for you – THIS WEEK

Take action – IMMEDIATELY.

Are you reading this right know knowing there are things about you that you want to / wish you could change, but:

– You worry about ‘not being good enough?’

– You’re Worried all the time that you’ll say or do something

stupid and be embarrassed in front of people?

– You look at others who have had brilliant weight loss success but believe you’re a failure and you’ll never do it

YOU Deserve to feel amazing

YOU Can do whatever you want

YOU have the willpower to be the best version of you.

We all get self doubt sometimes.

Me too

I’ve worried about doing things.

I’ve failed at stuff

Things haven’t gone my way all the time.

Right now…..I worry more than ever about how what I’m doing and how it may be perceived by others, and then I remind myself…. I’m doing the BEST for me.

I’m doing what I feel is the best for me and my pregnancy whilst I try to do the best I can in my relationships, my business, my exercise, my food choices.

I can be on my own and think

I can’t do this

What am I doing?

What if I fail?

What if I let someone down?

But the truth is.

I am enough


We’re all imperfect

Let go of you you think you’re supposed to be and embrace who you are.

Within the TARAnsformer groups, I’m proud of every single VULNERABLE, SCARED, EMBARRASSED woman in there that decided to do something for themselves, share their feelings and show how BRAVE & COURAGEOUS they really are by being themselves and showing it.

I also love how they all support, praise and lift each other.

So today, believe in yourself.

Don;t stop yourself from achieving what you want because you feel shamed.

Wake up each day and think,

“No matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough.”

And to go to bed at night thinking,

“Yes, I am sometimes afraid, but I am also brave”.

We all feel it.

You are worthy of love and belonging……


Start with loving yourself.

I can help you take the first step if you need?

Email me if you need advice….that’s what I’m here for

Or come with me and the detox team next week.

7 Day Detox

Keep fit & fab

Tara xx

P.S Want to know more about the Detox programme and what yo’ll get?

Check out this page and all the recipes

7 Day Detox

  • August 14, 2016