Are you coming

It’s all happening on Wednesday 27th July.
My FREE Weight Loss Seminar at The Dragon Hotel
In Swansea
On the night I’ll be inspiring you and everyone
else there. that’s just like you about
How you can STOP hating what you see in the mirror and
start to like yourself more.
How you can get the KICK UP THE BUTT that stops you
from falling off the wagon and FAILING all the time.
How to finally break free from the dieting and eat food you love.
How to do the BEST exercise to tone up your spare tyre.
How you can
STOP Avoiding your friends and LOVE socialising
STOP hating shopping and LOVE wearing fab clothes
STOP bingeing on junk and LOVE eating out GUILT FREE
You got a question you’d LOVE me to answer on the evening??
I’ll be there with you answering.
I’m sure I’ll be throwing a few things in the mix too 😉
Tara xx
P.S Get on my Facebook profile first thing so you don’t miss
whats coming next 😉