Ridiculous mind…that’s what Kelli said about
how she’s feeling since joining my Life TARAnsformer programme.
She looks AMAZING. Look how much
more toned she is!!
(you can see her muffin top in the photo below)
Here’s what she has to say about what she’s achieved.
“My final form was really rushed
so I didn’t put a lot in there, so just wanted to say
thank you for all your help!
The programme has totally changed my relationship with food,
I’m automatically making good choices &
no longer battling with myself over whether I should eat that packet of crisps!
I still have the odd treat or glass of wine now &
again but I know where to draw the line & get back to the plan!
I’ve got soooo much energy it’s ridiculous & my skin is amazing!
People are commenting all the time how great
my skin is & how well I’m looking!
I’ve definitely achieved one of my goals which was to get into the routine of regular training.
I’ve totally become addicted to exercise,
I love how much stronger & leaner I’m getting!
And it’s great going to the gym & actually knowing what I’m doing.
I’m now the one on the Mat focused doing some
snazzy HIIT exercise!!
I’ve lost 14lb, 4 inches off my waist,
3 inches off my hips & 1 inch off each thigh.
My photos don’t show huge differences like some of the others
that have lost but everything is much more toned & tighter,
I no longer have that muffin top & I can’t stop poking myself in the stomach because I can finally feel my abs.. I love it!!
My journey definitely isn’t over, still lots of work to do,
actually no it’s not work anymore it’s my life style &
the results will keep coming from just doing what I love!!
Thank you soooooo much,
I know we did the work ourselves,
but without your daily motivation & making us accountability
I would never have achieved what I have been trying to do for about 15 years!!!
I’m also booked in for the seminar.
It’s my birthday that day,
but I’ve rearranged my birthday meal to the weekend
as I know I’m going to come away from the seminar bouncing around like Tigger ready to smash my next goals,
I can’t wait!!!????????xxx”
Kelli has achieved more in 12 weeks with me that she has in 15 years!
Like Kelli said, she may not have lost as much as some of the girls,
but that wasn’t her goal in the first place.
She joined to lose a stone and tone up and
that’s exactly what she did.
We’ve all got different goals.
Some want to lose a lot of weight
Some want to put on weight
Some want to tone up
Some just want to feel healthier, more energy and like
themselves more.
As TARAnsformers, we can do ANYTHING.
Anything we put our minds to.
You’ve just got to start somewhere.
When is your Day 1 going to be?
For many….it’s TODAY
The 21 day programme kicks off tomorrow and
and the team already in are getting ready to set targets, goals and
achieve them.
OOhhh…..and remember if you want to join in today,
you can save £25…it’s only £30
Last month Claire joined the 21 day programme and
lost 10lbs in weight and 6 inches!
Her clothes are looser and she’s no longer worried about
wearing a bikini.
You bikini ready?
You worth £10 a week to feel like Kelli & Claire?
Join the 21 day programme here
Keep fit & fab
Tara xx
P.S You coming to my seminar?
P.P.S Look below…MUFFIN TOP GONE!!!!!! xxx