Quick! Eat it all…
The quicker you eat it, the quicker you can get back on track
^^^ Thinking a bit like this at the mo?
I was yesterday
I've still got a tonne of goodies in the house!
What have you got?
We've got selection boxes
All out of the norm food and we can't cope knowing it's here
Let's just scoff the lot and it's gone then.....
That's one way of looking at it and TBH it's what we did yesterday.
We had a healthy omelette for dinner, then we got stuck into the choccies
So we have a few options:
I'm opting for B.
By the time Deaks gets home from work later, I will have hidden them all.
(nothing like feeling in control - lol)
We're still loving the Festive period but already starting to feel EERRRRR from too much indulging.
And today I've started the daily baby steps back to routine and goals.
Today I've kicked off Goal Setting Week.
Slowly we'll be creating a complete action plan of achieving Goals in 2018.
Over the next week we'll be covering
Day 1: Body & Health Goals
Day 2: Career / Education / Learning Goals
Day 3: Family / Home / Pleasure
Day 4: Mindset
Day 5: Finances / Charity
Goal setting is much more than simply saying you want something to happen.
Unless you clearly define exactly what you want and understand why you want it the first place,
your odds of success are reduced.
Many people feel as if they get nowhere with what they want.
They work hard, but they don't seem to get anywhere worthwhile.
One big reason many feel this way is that they haven't spent enough time thinking about what they really want from life, and haven't actually set any plans to get what they want.
Why Set Goals?
The biggest achievers in all walks of life all set goals.
Setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation .
It helps you to organise your time and your resources so that you can make the very most of everything.
By setting specific, clearly defined goals,
you can measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals,
and you'll see forward progress in what might previously have seemed a long pointless grind.
You will improve your self-confidence , as you achieve the goals that you've set.
Today we started and I encourage you to do the same.
You can either join in with the Goal Setting Group or get yourself a pen and paper and actually write things down.
This week we will look at one area a day:
Day 1: Body & Health Goals
Day 2: Career / Education
Day 3: Family / Home / Pleasure
Day 4: Mindset
Day 5: Finances / Charity
You may have goals for all areas, or just a few.
If you want the BEST New Year and a strong start to getting what you want, it's time to start planning now.
Then all you've got to do is DO IT
....and I'm always here to help you!

If you want to join in with Goal Setting Week message me and I'll send you the link for instant access