#1 Task For Me is STAY CALM
So tonight is the night.
At 7pm I’ll be surrounded by a fabulous group
of people all wanting to be healthier, happier and change their lifestyle.
Much like Dan & Laura in the video above did 6 months ago.
They came along to my first seminar on Jan 27th to get inspired to lose weight.
They’ll be joining me on the stage to share with everyone
exactly what they did when they joined the Life TARAnsformer programme and
how different their bodies and health are now.
Tonight, the audience will be inspired by more success stories whilst I
share EXACTLY what you need to do to become the BEST version of you.
I’m excited
Want to see if the Life TARAnsformer is for you?
You don’t have to be there with me tonight….you
can apply right now.
I’m gonna spend the day getting prepared and trying to stay calm.
Bring on 7pm!
Keep fit & fab
Tara xx