1 stone 7lbs loss in 10 weeks

I'm aching a little today
Yesterday I started running in Aberavon at 5am, ended up underneath the M4 at 8am and finished in Swansea Marina at 10am
It wasn't all running though. Lots of stopping, doing it again, driving to the next location all part of an exciting project I'm working on and you'll be able to see it soon.
But lets get onto more important info.
In May I opened up the Life Taransformer 12 week plan for applications.
A lovely lady called Susie applied and as she told me:
"Enough is enough.
I've had a very stressful and emotional few years. I've not had the time or emotional space for myself.
But I feel ready now to commit to getting started and making the changes that I need to make.
I want to be healthy and well.
...There is no magic wand.
Anything for my lifestyle has to come from me.
Wishing and dreaming won't cut it. I have to get off my ass and do it.
The only magic wand request is your support, which I know I'll always have. The rest is up to me."
So....Miss 'Gin & croissants for breakfast' ditched her excuses.
She did what she said she would do
She has been INCREDIBLE in the plan (with a fantastic sense of humor) and today,
10 weeks in
She has lost 1 stone and 7lbs!!
"I'll have disappeared by Christmas
Seriously tho, I can't quite believe that I'm still doing this, still losing, and still enjoying it.
Lost 5" off my waist now :)"
A fantastic loss but more importantly so many gains.
She's gained control,
Gained belief in herself,
It is so so hard to get started,
but the first step is simple to take.
Like Susie and the other girls who have joined me...you've just GOT to take the step.
It can be worrying and make anyone feel a bit nervous but
when you see and hear and read about the wonderful transformations of these
lovely, normal, busy women who are taking on life just like us all - be inspired to do the same too.
If you read this and relate to how Susie felt, want to feel like Susie does now join in with me and the team and apply right now!
You can join me and the team any day of the week in my online plan where I can help and support you every day towards achieving your body & lifestyle goals.
This is your opportunity.
Take it now.