LTS 131 – How to enjoy life without worring about your progress

In this episode of The Life Transformer Show, Tara chats about how you can enjoy life without having to worry about your progress. Life is about creating memories, celebrating and enjoying time with friends and family. So you must not worry about these things causing disruption to your progress. Have a great time at the event but don’t feel down or punish yourself for having a good time. The day after, you get back on track and you’ll not even notice a dent in your progress.
What You Will Learn In This Episode:
- Getting your step count up. In the build up to the event.
- Keeping an eye on your calories in the run up to the event.
- Practice some mindfulness, but ultimately enjoy the event.
- Don’t stress after the event. Get back on your healthy habits.
How To Contact Tara Hammett: