Healthy Snack Ideas for Weight Loss
I’m running another one as a few got in touch who couldn’t commit last time due to managing their money (school uniforms are expensive hey!)So it’s kick off time again!Anyway, in the group the other day one of the girls mentioned that they had got into the habit of watching TV with a cup of tea and a ‘healthy snack’
Healthy Snack Questions
- Can we have some healthy snack ideas?
- The main thing to consider, if you’re looking for weight loss, is why are you wanting to eat?
- Habit?
- Craving?
- Boredom?
- Because everyone else is and you fancy something?
If you’re hungry, have some food and make the best choice you can. Consider what other meals you’ve had in the day and have you eaten enough at those meals.Sitting in front of the TV, mindlessly grazing is not a habit that is going to help you if you’re looking for fat loss. Also, I can give you a healthy snack suggestion, but if you’ve already eaten enough in the day it can’t be used as an excuse of ‘Tara said it’s healthy so I can have it’. Too much food, healthy or not, is what makes people gain fat so you need to learn about your eating habits in addition to your food + drink choices. In the photo below.
I have some snack ideas for you, but before you tuck in ask yourself – why are you eating it?I have a more in-depth explanation about snacks (and everything else you need to know) in my Transformer 6 Week Body Plan which you can join in and ask as many questions you want.Ooh…and more importantly – get the results you want 😉
Bring on the Autumn Fat Burn!!