EP69 - Q&A Shift Work, Alcohol & Protein - Tara Hammett

EP69 – Q&A Shift Work, Alcohol & Protein

In this episode of The Life Transformer Show, dives into some Q&A. Discussing a range of things such as shift working, chats about alcohol and protein. How you can build routines in and around your life. How alcohol can really throw your week and your routines out completely. How you can bake your very own happiness cake! Two main tools for fat loss! Protein powder and how you can use it.


What You Will Learn In This Episode:

  • Building routine in and around your shift work
  • Alcohol and its effects over the week
  • How environment and choices can change your energy levels
  • The secret to happiness cake
  • Two main tools for fat loss
  • Protein powder and how you can use it


How To Contact Tara Hammett:

Check out this episode!

  • April 28, 2021