Ep 79 - Weekend habits to help you lose weight - Tara Hammett

Ep 79 – Weekend habits to help you lose weight

In this episode of The Life Transformer Show, Tara takes a look at some awesome habits that you can take to your weekends to help you lose weight. One of the best things you can do is get in with a group of people on the same path as you. And become accountable to each other. Once you can be fully mindful of what you are eating or drinking on the weekends you’ll be able to really lose weight and hit your targets.


What You Will Learn In This Episode:

  • Being accountable to someone to stay on track.
  • Making some choices or substitutions to foods for lower calorie options.
  • Increasing your mindfulness. 
  • Preventing yourself from overindulging.
  • Managing everything better and keeping your eye on the ball.


How To Contact Tara Hammett:

Check out this episode!

  • July 16, 2021