Ep 196 - How to break free from a yo-yo dieting cycle - Tara Hammett

Ep 196 – How to break free from a yo-yo dieting cycle

In this episode of The Life Transformer Show, Tara talks about how you can break through the vicious cycle of dieting and how the scales make you feel. She encourages you to think about what your goals are, is it the number you see on the scale? Tara discusses your calorie, protein and fibre goals and how to consider these. She emphasises the importance of all meals having protein content, even breakfast and lunch!


What You Will Learn In This Episode:

  • How the scales can influence your behaviour and how you feel.

  • What is your goal?

  • Why are macronutrients important?

  • Why lunch is just as important as breakfast.


How To Contact Tara Hammett:


Check out this episode!

  • October 24, 2023