5 Simple Ways to Stay on Track of Your Weight Loss Goals - Tara Hammett

5 Simple Ways to Stay on Track of Your Weight Loss Goals

5 simple ways to stay on track of your weight loss goals

Do you have a busy life? Does it get in the way of your weight loss goals, making it too easy to give up on the dream body you desire? 

There are a few things that need to be considered in order to be successful with weight loss. I will provide you with the basics that many women overlook when trying to lose weight. Getting back to the basics will simplify the process of weight loss, making it easier to achieve the body you’ve always wanted.

5 Powerful Tips For Losing Fat and Getting the Body You Deserve

1) Focus on why

Understanding exactly why you want to lose weight is the first step to any weight loss journey. If you’re not clear on this, it will be hard to stay committed further down the line. I stay focused and disciplined with my business and body because I have a purpose to help others. Also my gorgeous little boy Danny deserves a happy, healthy mamma. That’s enough to get me out of bed and do what I need to do to keep a healthy mind & body.

2) Find exercise that you enjoy

People are often quick to give up on their weight loss goals due to the long tiresome workouts. What if I told you long, repetitive workings aren’t needed. In fact there are more efficient and more enjoyable ways to lose weight.

Unless you fancy becoming a pro-athlete, entering weightlifting competitions or running ultra marathons, you can stick to the workouts you enjoy. Do something that will fit into you busy lifestyle. If you enjoy your workouts, you’re more likely to stick with them, ultimately helping you get closer to the results you want.

3) Eat a variety of food you enjoy

Whether it be weight loss, toning, or just being fit and healthy, our bodies need healthy foods to reach our fitness goals. Having a balanced diet and consuming nutritious food daily is important. However, it is also important to treat yourself with the foods you enjoy the most! 

Personally, I love chocolate – I eat it regularly, but I make sure to balance it with the foods that are good for me. This way I can enjoy my treats guilt free.

What’s your favourite treat? Is it wine? Crisps? Pizza? Whatever it is, it’s important for it to be part of your diet. This way you can minimise cravings and stay on track with your weight loss goals long term.

4) Do NOT stress about temporarily going ‘off plan’

We all go off plan sometimes, which is completely fine. It’s all about how well you can pick yourself up and get back on track.

It is important to have a healthy relationship with your fitness journey. Constantly worrying about or even avoiding occasions such as parties, holidays and movie nights just so you’re not tempted by food and drink is not a healthy way to live. Your weight shouldn’t determine whether or not you can go to the family BBQ, your nephews birthday party, or the upcoming Christmas party. At occasions like these we are allowed to have fun and enjoy ourselves, even if it does mean eating or drinking something not on the meal plan.

5) Get support

I can’t stress this enough. Every single lady I have worked with has told me they can’t do it on their own. They’ve tried and tried to move forward on their weight loss journeys but it simply doesn’t work.

This is where support from others can really help you achieve your fitness goals. 

When it comes to weight loss, the only obstacle getting in the way of success is yourself. Finding support not only gives you motivation, but it also makes you accountable. You are more likely to complete a task or achieve a goal if you’ve told someone about it.

Many people over complicate the process of weight loss, often resulting in demotivate and failure. If you can get clear on why you want to lose weight, make the process enjoyable, stick to your nutrition plan (but don’t punish yourself when you go off-track), and get the support from others, weight loss becomes easier and more achievable, allowing you to get the body you’ve always wanted.

  • November 26, 2019