You. Are. A. Failure
We all fail sometimes.
And that’s okay.
Because failure is part of life.
There’s one BIG reason why most of us fail with transforming our bodies and making our lives happier though.
Fear of change.
I recently had this email sent to me:
“Hey Tara,
I’ve been following you for a while, and
been thinking about doing your inner circle.
I know I’m the only one that can do it
but I just can’t find the willpower to do it.
I don’t know why?
I read your emails everyday, think i should do it
but I don’t.
I keep reading about these people who
do it and lose weight and I wish I was like them
I bet
most people who read my emails THINK and FEEL like this.
I’m confident because you
signed up to get my emails for one reason,
and one reason only.
What you’re doing at the moment isn’t working for you, right?
Whether it’s a juice fast, some sort of cleanse, Weight Watchers
or training with a personal trainer, you’re clearly still not completely
So why are you reading these emails and not doing anything?
I guess it’s one of 2 things:
You want the **MAGIC PILL**
to do it for you?
(If that’s the case I’d stop reading my emails
right away…in fact, unsubscribe – no hard feelings)
You’re scared of change.
I think that’s it.
And that’s normal.
By making a commitment to change, you’re challenging
Right now it’s easy to say –
“I’ll do it tomorrow”
“I’ll think about it.”
But thinking and waiting aren’t getting you slimmer and fitter are
They’re not helping to burn off that body fat you detest?
They’re not increasing your confidence and making you happy like
dropping a dress size would.
Think about it:
Willpower vs. WhyPower
If someone kidnapped your family and said you HAD to get into your perfect
shape otherwise the worst would happen, you’d do it, wouldn’t you.
Yet when it comes to making that change for you, all willpower goes out the window.
Do you not feel worthy?
Do you think your time and happiness is less important than others?
If so, you’re not alone.
And that’s why willpower isn’t enough – you need WHY Power.
Why do you really want to get into great shape?
Is it so you can get a boyfriend?
Perhaps you hate the fact you can’t shop for designer clothes?
Are all your girlfriends slimmer than you?
Worried that your husband doesn’t find you attractive?
Maybe you’re just sick of that little roll of belly fat hanging out over the waist of your jeans every time you sit down at your desk?
Establish your real why, and then it’s easy.
Activities such as training don’t feel like a chore any more.
Eating healthy food isn’t a burden – it’s enjoyable as you realise it’s taking you closer to your goal and closer to happiness.
If you’re always saying –
What about your WHYpower??
Why do you even want it?
How much do you want it?
Aristotle wrote:
“We are what we repeatedly do”
How right was that dude!!
You’ve failed before.
And so have I – multiple times.
But it’s cool because all those failures are behind you now.
So here’s what I want you to do”
( I got some of the Life TARAnsformers to do this
Get a piece of paper…
write down 3 things you really WANT,
then promise yourself that you
WILL do something to get towards
what you want.
Do it tomorrow.
Make that commitment to YOURSELF
for YOU
(If getting a piece of paper
and writing it down is TOO HARD
I’ll help make it even easier – click this link
and let me help you start)
^^^^ If you do want to change your body and
don’t even try that FREE TASK – I hate to say it….
You are one of those people
that wants the change but not willing
to put in THE WORK.
Any one of my online programs can HELP YOU
By the way – I said about going to the gym and eating healthy.
Does that still trike fear into your very soul?
The thought of treadmills, crashing weights and the stench of sweat?
Or you’re thinking you have to live off chicken and broccoli?
Fear not – you’re in safe hands with me.
I NEVER want any of my girls to feel like they’re dieting, and I want you to love training and look forward to working out.
How about we start with something easy?
Something easy like a 7-day done-for-you detox meal plan with delicious, easy meals?
^^^ Click THAT link ^^ and you can
join me for a week guaranteed to help get you on your way to sustainable weight loss.
Keep fit & fab !
Tara xx
P.S BTW THANK YOU for trusting in me, reading my emails and the wonderful
comments I get back. I may not say it enough but
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