Will you act on it or blame? - Tara Hammett

Will you act on it or blame?

I was having a nice girly night
last night.
Two of my gorgeous friends invited
me around and we had
some home-made soup with
shredded chicken in and lots & lots
of chats.
We also had
a play about with some psychic
angel cards.
OMG – I love things like that.
Turning my cards over
I won’t go into detail about what
the angels have said about my next 12 months
but the main thing is we had fun with it.
I’ll look out for
‘the signs’ but I know that what I want
for my future will be much better
predicted by my daily actions.
The same goes for you
Your long term results are created by the
actions you take every day.
These actions need to be CONSISTENT
to turn any of your dreams into a reality.
So what do you want for you?
You may want to lose a few
pounds, feel healthier,
feel happier or
have better relationships but
the desire to get
these alone is not enough.
You have to ACT on your intentions.
Have you been doing that recently?
Or coming up with excuses and blaming
others for why you can’t get to where you want?
If you want to predict your
future health, look at your current eating and
exercise habits.
If you want to predict your relationships,
look at your interactions with the ones you love.
If you want to predict your career path
and future income, look at the actions you take each day.
YOUR actions tell the story.
Getting a weekly plan is
a POWERFUL tool that can help to
keep you on track with your
core activity each day.
Over the next 7 days, this is EXACTLY what
the detox team will be doing.
But what then?
The journey continues.
You learn lessons
You grow
You get towards the lifestyle of your dreams.
Following my LIVE Facebook Video
on Monday I had MANY request about my
next 21 day program.
There isn’t one this year.
But I will have an SOS plan for you – watch this space!
I want you to consider your future and
Lifestyle of 2016.
What will you plan be?
I didn’t plan on it, BUT I’ve had to create a
waiting list for Life TARAnsformer 5.
My 12 week accountability program.
If you want to go on the list and have your
plan ready for the new year EMAIL ME BACK.
I’ll add you on the list and maybe you could get Santa
to invest in it for you.
We can get on the phone and chat about it if you want.
Hit REPLY and let me know if you
want to kick off 2016 with me.
Keep fit & fab
Tara xx
P.S with my LIVE Video, I do this at 8pm every Monday and next week
I’m gonna make a recipe LIVE while you ask me questions – EEK
Would love you to join in so set up the notification so you
don’t miss out xx
More from me:
Take me anywhere with you on your smart phone, tablet or laptop
Get ALL my cookbooks to help you eat INCREDIBLE food and STILL lose weight

More INDULGE, Less GUILT– The Chocolate eBook




THE 21 Day ORIGINAL TARAnsformer Program

My ULTIMATE weight loss, fitness & toning program


The KICKSTART Weight loss 7 Day DETOX Program

Eliminate those problems and detox with REAL FOOD to lose up to 9lbs



Workouts, Recipes, Mindset, Support and EPIC RESULTS every month


  • November 18, 2015