WATCH THIS: I burned FAT lying down
I did it yesterday for 30 mins
Not literally, but one of the important
steps I recommend my clients to do
as part of weight loss, health and generally
LOVING your life is to
look after yourself.
I was chatting with Hywel in the chill out room after
my mermaid tank experience.
(with a glass of his home-made juice – yumsters)
and we were saying how people
feel too guilty sometimes to do things like
this for themselves.
How can a busy mum be THE BEST for
her family, if she’s running on low battery all the time?
After a bit of nurturing, relaxing and
time-out a busy Mum can become the BEST
busy Mum on full power.
Guilt Free
How can a busy Dad be THE BEST for
his family if he’s too tired to dedicate time for them?
After a bit of CHILL OUT, a busy Dad can become
THE BEST Busy Dad with loads more energy.
Guilt Free
How can a stressed out career person build be
productive and as present as possible in work if they’re
EXHAUSTED from long working days with no rest?
After a bit of WORKING – IN, instead of WORKING OUT
a busy career person can become a super charged
action taker that’s mentally sharper.
All these things are important for
Mental and Physical health.
Also….DE-STRESS time reduces your stress hormone
and can help you burn fat FASTER, rather locking
fat on your body.
SO….next time you’re feeling rundown,
tired, exhausted, over-worked….
Do NOT feel guilty or bad about missing
a tough, sweaty gruelling workout.
This is EXACTLY what I encourage the Team
to do in my Detox week.
Not only do we lose up to 10lbs through
Better eating
Enjoyable activity and
Being supported 24/7
I also help you de-stress and burn fat faster.
some of you are already securing your spot.
Save yours too and you can also
find out MORE about a little FREEBIE
I have for you 😉
Find out more here ^^
Keep fit & fab Tara xx
P.S Big WELCOME to Bec who joined the
inner circle yesterday and has already done her first workout from the
site here >>> and
asked some awesome questions in our private group xxx