WARNING: You may fall for it too - Tara Hammett

WARNING: You may fall for it too

Like Sandra did
And Gareth
Just a few who just needed that
boost to get them going.
They followed my recipes.
Sandra…9lbs lost. She followed the
detox recipes and has loved it so much
she’s doing it a little longer.
Gareth….10lbs lost. He got on the phone to
me, felt inspired and wants more. So he’s in the
21 day programme with me and the team and
enjoying losing the next 10.
Claire – or Miss Toronto I love to call her.
Miss Toronto got in touch….got inspired form the other
side of the globe and has lost 28lbs!!!
So why am I bragging about these people.
Well, firstly I’m super proud of them.
They KNEW (like you do)
that if they want something they HAVE to work for it.
They HAVE to take responsibility for themselves and
do what they already kinda know.
They also knew it wasn’t the easiest so
they needed a little help.
All it took was some ideas and a point in the right direction.
Would you pay £10 to lose 10lb like Gareth did?
If your answer is NO….then you don’t want it.
(If that is the case, email me and let me
know what you do want)
If your answer is YES….then you don’t do anything.
Well…..I’ll email you in a week and see
how you’re feeling being exactly the same.
Wishing for it won’t work.
If your answer is YES and you click on the link
and take action TODAY!
Then…bring it on baby!!
I’m with you.
And the rest of the team!
^^ There’s the link for you ^^
I’m off to sprinkle more inspiration now.
I’m going to record this weeks podcast with
The Wave and I’m going to send that to you
once its done so you
can have a little listen about what we’ve been up to
with the Diet Tribe and how they’ve
lost over 5 stone.
Keep fit & fab
Tara xx
p.s following my LIVE Video on Facebook last night, more people were inspired
to take action and I’m delighted to see so many have instantly got their
hands on my detox book (and Claire downloaded all the workouts form my DVD – good girly!)
Pps…the detox book is the 4th book when you click on the link xx
  • February 9, 2016