I thought I'd NEVER get this done - Tara Hammett

I thought I’d NEVER get this done


I’ve been trying to send you some weekend inspiration all day and now it’s happened!





Changing Nappies

Chatting with my Parents

and I’ve finally got a quick bit of quiet time to send this to you.

Once you’ve watched my video and decided if you want to join in with me and the FINAL detox programme of 2017, CLICK HERE to join in

Or here


This is the programme I would recommend anyone do to start as you mean to go on.

Whether you’re a new mum or not,

eating healthy is #1 in making you feel better.

You’ll love your body more and you’ll love your lifestyle more.

Any questions about detox week?

Let me know,

We’re open now for prepping and kicking off Monday

Bring it on!!

Tara xx

✔️ THE 12 MIN WORKOUTS to get you toned FASTERhttps://tarahammett.com/dvds/

✔️ THE RECIPES to eat more, cheaper and make it quick


✔️  #1 YOUR KICKSTART – the 7 Day Real Food Detox week

(Lose up to 11lbs)


✔️  #2 THE NEXT STEP – The 21 day ULTIMATE weight loss program

(Change your body shape in 3 weeks)


✔️  #3 THE LIFESTYLE – Keep the weight off forever in my Inner Circle


✔️  The GUARANTEED RESULTS 12 week programme – The Life Taransformer

Join the waiting list – application only

  • October 14, 2017