Thought I’d explain
My reasons for getting into it ‘This soon’
Did you see my live video on Facebook last night?
I was talking about what I’ve been eating in the detox programme and
why me and Deaks have been changing our eating together
(Pregnancy cravings hit him hard too)
I talked about how I’m going to continue my journey with the 21 day programme
along with the rest of the team which opens this weekend ready to start on Monday.
I also talked about why I’ve started the 30 day butt taransformer challenge.
Yes….I’ve lost my butt.. BUMMER (<<< pun)
but more importantly I needed to get my strength back.
Getting up and down from the sofa whilst holding Danny is hard
Getting up and down from the floor was difficult
My back aches when I’m feeding and bending over at bathtime and changing nappy time.
So I needed to get my muscles stronger & more flexible.
I’m kinda doing the 30 Day FitterMum Challenge really.
Small steps to make me a stronger Mum and a bit of a warm up to when I’ll be ready
to get back to the 12 minute HIIT workouts at home and some gym sessions.
Whilst I do this now, I’m also taking the first steps towards my Summer body, but I’m being sensible.
Not doing anything too soon or putting too much pressure on myself.
This is good for me physically and mentally.
I certainly DO NOT want to be one of those looking back in July/August thinking
“I wish I’d done something sooner”
Do you?
NOW is the time to take steps towards that Summer body.
Change your eating
Change your movement
Change your motivation
Change your body
If you really really really want to make changes,
have fallen off the wagon
tripped up with your diet recently
caved at some treats this week which turned into a 4 day junk-fest
Do what you KNOW you should do
(not hide away with guilt & embarrassment)
Get back on it and dedicate the next 3 weeks towards your mission.
Get Fit & Fab
Tara xx
P.S The programme was £55….but this link gets it for £30 for you