This time next year! - Tara Hammett

This time next year!


What would you LOVE to achieve?

Whatever you put your mind to…If you want it enough you CAN make changes today
and change your life.

Have you seen the programme on TV called
“This Time Next Year?”

In the show, members of the public walk through a door marked

“This Time” and make a pledge to Davina.

Then, by the magic of television, they walk back through a door marked

“Next Year” and viewers see if they’ve achieved their dream.

Sarah-Jayne Croft was on there last year and vowed to lose 10 stone.
She’d struggled to lose the weight previously, following many experiences in her life, she

was 28 stone and Size 30 clothes.

She’s been through many embarrassing times due to her weight, even being airlifted from the top of a welsh mountain.

But, it was only when her father, Jim, who’d always asked her to lose weight,

was dying was she finally able to lose weight once and for all.

And now, after shedding 13 stone, she’s not only able to climb the Welsh mountain,

she’s also doing a tough four-day climb up the Inca Trail to Peru’s iconic Machu Picchu –

in honour of her father.

She found her WHY.

Her challenge of weight loss was not easy,

and through the journey she had many obstacles and stumbles – but

she never lost focus of the reason WHY.

Sarah-Jayne now plans to lose a further two stone and, inspired by her success,

quit her job as a college teacher.

She recently qualified as a behaviour change and nutritional adviser, and is launching her business.

An incredible story.

There is no difference between Sarah-Jayne and you, in terms of ability to make change.

However, She found her why and took action.

So what about you?

What is/are the MAIN REASON you want to lose weight and change your lifestyle?

* Is it to be a role-model for your family?

* To feel more confident around your partner?

* To feel gorgeous and happy when you’re out and about?

Why haven’t you done it so far?

I really would be interested to hear your story.

WHAT do you need help with the most?

You know I’m always here to help – so ask for it.

In the TARAnsformer groups there are many girls declaring that they are

BACK ON IT after falling off the wagon.

They’ve had parties,

Busy sorting the house

Weekends away

Not eaten enough at lunch and then demolished everything when they got home.

They’ve wanted to throw in the towel BUT after a bit of Tough Love from myself

and support from the other girls, today they are back on it.

We all have blips,

lets accept them, it’s what you do after.

Grab the towel, or grab the goal?!?!

Goal everytime!

So…email me your answers.

#1 What is your WHY?

#2 What’s STOPPING YOU from achieving your goal?

#3 what would you LOVE to achieve this time next year?

Email me back

Tara xxx

P.S Remember that *hint* about winning £350 worth of fabulous stuff for you?

I’ll be revealing in the Taransformer Group in a mo xxxx

Enter the group here

  • November 21, 2016