This is why you're so bloated - Tara Hammett

This is why you’re so bloated


I just filmed a LIVE video in my free Facebook group

(In my pineapple PJ’s), letting everyone know about the fab weight loss we’ve seen this

week in the Detox programme

Carly lost 5lbs

Olivia lost 5lbs

Rachel lost 2lbs & 2inches

Kelli lost 6lbs

and we had a guy…Richard lost 5.5lbs


All by eating real food and getting away from the things that make us all feel so bloated!


Like I just said in the video.

If you had a knife and cut yourself, would you complain it’s not healing if you kept on using the knife to cut yourself and not avoid the knife so you could heal?

Sounds a bit obv

But what many people do is feel bloated every day, yet they eat the food that make s them feel bloated every day.

If you avoided the foods that made you feel so rubbish, you’d lose the bloat.

You’ lose weight quickly, get your energy back and have a flatter belly.

Sounds awesome, but why do people find it so hard?

Mainly because they don’t know what to avoid. Staying away from foods including gluten, maybe dairy, even food with too much fibre could be triggering the response in some. Having a break from these can give you results overnight.

Back how much do you want to do it?

I’ve heard it so many times….I could NEVER GIVE UP BREAD!?!?

Ermm…if that was making you ill and you REALLY wanted to change, I’m sure with a bit of effort & support you could and you could either have an alternative or you wouldn’t miss it at all.

I know many will wake up this morning feeling bloated and lethargic.

Saturday night takeaway,

Eating too much because it’s the weekend

Caved to a few too many alcoholic drinks.

Today is the day so many will say….THAT’S IT!!! I’M ON IT TOMORROW!!!

Really mean that though?

To get the best results you need all these ingredients for success

Move more + Eat Better + Daily Support = Much better chance for success than on your own!!

^^^ If you join in NOW you’ll get

Instant access to my 12 minute workouts

Instant access to my shopping list

Instant access to me recipes and meal plan

Instant access to the support group and meet the others ready to lose weight over the next 3 weeks.

It’s your last chance to join in today!



P.S Inner circle girls…It’s kick up the butt week for you too

  • July 30, 2017