The reasons you’re stuck!

What is the main thing that’s holding you back right now when it comes to losing weight?
One big thing that many lack and what keeps them stagnant with their weight loss is they just don’t keep practicing what they need to do to get results. It’s just so easy in the comfort zone, but that’s not what gets us results. For any of us to get better, we need to keep practicing what we need to do. It’s no good to practice good habits for a week or two, get disheartened because you’re not getting results quick enough and go back to bad habits.
Purposeful Practice
You need purposeful practice – this is deliberately doing something with real focus and attention on what your goal is and how to get there. Regular practice is just mindless repetitions of stuff you kinda know and you dip in and out of it.This is your comfort zone!If you want to lose weight – and keep it off, you’d better be ready to wake up and do it!
First, you need a goal….
- How much weight do you want to lose?
- How many inches do you want to lose?
- What clothes size do you want to wear?
- How do you want to feel each day?
Then, you need a plan..
- How are you going to do it?
- When do you want to achieve it by?
- Who is going to help you?
- What are you going to do?
Next, you need to start
When will you start? (your answer should be today!)
Once you get started, you need feedback:
- How well are you doing?
- What can you improve?
- Who is going to give you that feedback? (Hi xx )
And finally…….stay accountable and keep deliberately practicing!
Doing the same things over and over is only going to help you stay the same! Putting things off until the perfect time is an excuse and will never happen.
To make changes you’ve got to be ready to do the work for yourself and grab the opportunity to change. The opportunity is here for you now.
Check out My 6 Week Bodyplan if you need some help
- Quick Workouts that will fit into your already busy day and help tone up all over
- Recipes of all different types of food that do not make you feel like you’re on a diet (because you’re not)
- Shopping lists and meal plans (we all like a bit of structure and being told what to do sometimes)
- Daily support from me and the team
- Weekly feedback with ‘Critique my week’ so you can learn even more about the foods you’re eating
- Mindset advice, practices and tasks to help you think and feel better
- Monthly live meetings with one-to-one coaching
You can grab your spot here now
AS you may have heard”A goal without a plan is just a wish”How much longer are you going to keep wishing for?
By The Way Did you know, one MAIN reason women don’t lose weight and get what they want is because they’re NOT DOING ANYTHING.