Helloooooo, OMG – It’s been a few days since I emailed last! I’ve still got a bit of Kryptonite in the chest (it’s not getting me down) and as part of my detox program, I’ve been making sure I follow my rules with my morning activity! Plus…I’ve somehow been a little busier […]
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Coconut oil is The amazingness is almost endless! In addition to being an excellent addition to your nutrition by helping your metabolism and your weight loss goals, it can transform your hair and skin (you should try it as a moisturiser – I’ve made body scrubs out if this – stunning!!), supercharge your digestive system […]
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I was tapping away here on the computer and I fancied something clean but naughty. So I got my ‘I deserve a treat’ choccy brain going. I actually made quite a mess with my sauce and licked it off my phone. It was all over the place! It was a home made whoopie pie protein […]
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How’s the detox going? We’re day 7 of the New Year and if you’ve been taking action on those health goals you should be feeling the benefits of the past week. I’m delighted to see so many people following my tips, trying on jeans that are too tight and sending me photos privately. […]
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