We often look for ways to make ourselves feel better, usually involving spending money which only temporarily lifts our mood. However, what we should be focusing on first is our health and habits. We need to do everything we can to stay happy and enjoy the time we have on this world, and our health […]
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What’s happened so far this weekend? Nailed your nutrition or went a bit nuts with too much wine, pizza stodge to mop up the hangover or caved to some truly indulgent treats and now you can’t wait to START AGAIN MONDAY! Well….truth be known, I’ve had a whole week of celebrating my birthday. […]
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Helloooooo, OMG – It’s been a few days since I emailed last! I’ve still got a bit of Kryptonite in the chest (it’s not getting me down) and as part of my detox program, I’ve been making sure I follow my rules with my morning activity! Plus…I’ve somehow been a little busier […]
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Oh my WOOORRDDDDD!! Let me paint a picture.. I’m sat in my kitchen, in a tartan onesie and the SMELL in my kitchen is what dreams are made of! Yes, here is the UK it’s 07:40 as I started typing this email. I’ve just had a Skype call with LIfe Transformer member Sally […]
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