She could have lost 63lbs!!

Each day I try to share
some inspiration,
some words of wisdom and
some encouragement to help you do something
the be the absolutely BEST version of you.
I know some get inspired and take action.
Many just read and move on.
Don’t do anything.
Put it off because they think they shouldn’t spend the money on themselves.
Put it off because the worry about looking like a failure
Put it off because there’s something coming up that will get in the way.
Put it foo because of the belief that you won’t reach your goal or overcome barriers
Put it off because they’re not ready and think it would be too hard.
So I asked Emma to share her story and why she has decided to join the
Life Taransformer 11 programme.
“I started with Tara in August last year,
and had great results doing a detox and a 21 day challenge.
I was worried about putting weight back on over the Xmas period
so jumped at the chance at doing the LT10 programme.
I amazed myself with how I kept the motivation going,
kept to clean eating, and kept seeing great results.
By Xmas week I had lost 35lbs,
and even wore a size 14 dress out for my Xmas party,
when I started I was wearing a size 22/24.
Inches were falling off.
I even had a few nights out,
some indulgent family get togethers and
obviously had a couple of days off over Xmas and new year.
I loved how I could fit this plan into real life and not feel deprived.
Over the new year my weight stayed the same and I started January at 35lbs off.
I have struggled this year.
I have done a 21 day challenge, and saw great results again,
but in-between found it difficult to motivate myself,
I’ve lost pounds and gained them again,
my weight has been up and down this year so far.
Being part of the inner circle has been amazing,
everyone has been there to support me when I needed it and to be honest I imagine without that support I could of quite easily been back to square one.
I didn’t think I would do another Life Taransformer for the simple reason
I thought I shouldn’t spend the money on myself but
after a chat to my husband I decided it’s exactly what I need
to push me on to my overall goal.
I was lucky enough to win a place in the Life Taransformer boost
and lost an incredible 9lbs in 4 days.
I can only imagine what I can achieve in the 12 week plan and I can’t wait to start.
The accountability for me is exactly what I need,
again the support is amazing,
and it really can fit around every day life.
I have my birthday and a 2 week holiday during the 12 weeks
and could of easily put it off until the next time,
but who knows where I would be by then and I wasn’t willing to take the risk.
My goal is to be a
healthy weight,
healthy BMI,
fitter and
look and feel amazing.
I’m hoping to lose 2 stone,
and I absolutely know Tara is the only person to get me there.
I have tried everything else and whilst I lost weight initially,
it wasn’t sustainable and i put it all back on.
I’m already happier, smaller, lighter, fitter and that’s from getting half way there.
So super excited to finally achieve my goal and I know with Tara’s help I will get there”.
And just to give a little bit more info,
Emma is a Mum of 5,
Works full-time
Has just completed a degree.
She dropped her excuses last year
Has remained accountable and is a true inspiration.
Emma’s kept the weight off from what she learned but has now realised she cannot
waste this opportunity to help her reach the next step and hit her goal of 2 stone.
She could have lost 63pounds in total by the end. I believe she will!!
Just WOW, this girly is a badass action taker.
If you want to join Emma and the rest of the girls.
Ya gotta apply first!
^^ Just click the link and answer the questions on my form.
Tara xx
P.S If you don’t really want it, that’s fine,
Only you can do it for you and if you’re not ready, don’t do it.
Just keep on reading