Second Time Lucky?

First up….Thank You Cardiff.
I had a fab time chatting with a set of brand new, fresh faces at my seminar last night.
I just love being in front of people sharing my tips, helping you understand EXACTLY how to get rid of stubborn belly fat.
All the ‘DIETS’ you 100% want to avoid and how to actually feel happier and more confident.
How to get CONSISTENT and stay on track and becoming the next amazing transformation.
I’m looking forward to creating a whole new team of Success Stories alongside Lou and
changing peoples body, mindset, relationships and feeling like you’re on top of life.
Less stress
More sleep
Enjoying more downtime
I loved it so much I want to try and get some more in before my pregnancy keeps my grounded at home, so I’m now reaching out to any businesses that fancy a Lunch & Learn style talk where I come to you.
Want me at your workplace? Email me.
It’s that time many DREAD.
Friday and the weekend.
Ok – I’ve said the opposite of what you may actually be feeling but this is the time that hell can break loose, the excuses go into turbo mode and the sabotage begins.
This is how it will go
(Bet you’ve done it)
” What a week…I’m SO having that wine tonight, I deserve it!”
” Screw it…yeah go on then”
(Immediately followed by Whyyyyyyyyyyyy 🙁 )
“Ah well ,it won’t hurt. Start again tomorrow”
“I couldn’t exactly sit there with everyone and not eat cake, could I?”
What you gonna do this weekend?
I know it is a struggle on weekends, but you can still stay strong with me and the team in the challenge.
…..the guys in the free Taransformer Group have been brill this week. A daily habit, done every day for 7 days.
Not too hard hey.
Just a bit of accountability and BOOM, feeling EPIC!
After these 7 days, I’m looking forward to see who’s really ALL IN.
Who really does want to change, or who would feel more comfortable in the excuse zone.
So the group to the next 7 days opens HERE
You may not have joined in , or dropped off in the challenge, but you’ve got a SECOND CHANCE for a week with me.
Detox week is ready for you, and in my classic “Take Action, Get Results” I’ve got a goody for anyone that joins TODAY.
It’s like a lesson for you that you have to take action NOW, nobody will do it for you, if you delay you miss out. And in this case you most definitely will!
You in this time?
I hope so
Tara xx
P.S If I was to create a 28 day programme with a daily task to do every day, sent to you, for 28 days……think you’d be up for it?
The DVD everyone is LOVING: 6 workouts only 12 minutes long
Want to DOWNLOAD the workouts for only £3?
YOUR one stop shop for STRESS FREE healthy meals
More INDULGE, Less GUILT– The Chocolate eBook
My 21 day ULTIMATE weight loss program
Register for my 7 day Detox Program.