FINALLY All Those Recipes That Have Helped Shed Up To 11 lbs and 10 inches in 7 Days is HERE

SICK Of Feeling Frumpy & Lumpy?
Need MOTIVATION and A Kickstart To Lose Weight?
On A ROLLERCOASTER and Weight Spiralling Out Of Control?
Get INSPIRED with Recipes To Help You Eliminate Toxins, Lose The BLOAT and Still Eat Real Food
Over 20 Smoothie Recipes PLUS Soups, Salads, Snacks and Meals to make eating healthy STRESS FREE
Why You Need This Book!
Following the INCREDIBLE success of the Online 7 Day TARAnsformer Detox Program, Tara brings to you some of the most POPULAR and DELICIOUS recipes to help you kickstart your weight loss & health goals.
Knowing what to eat for MAXIMUM results can be hard, so Tara has done the thinking for you and built a collection of recipes including Smoothies, Soups, Salads, Snacks and Meals.We're faced with toxins throughout each day, from what we put on our skin, what we consume and how we think.
The TARAnsformer Detox Recipe eBook, will help you reduce toxins, lose weight and improve your health whilst educating you on making better food & drink choices.

Over 20 Smoothie Recipes
So you can SUPERBOOST your health and enjoy a variety of GORGEOUS flavours

Real Food Recipes
So you don't have to go hungry or live off shakes and pills and FALL OFF THE WAGON

Hot Soup Recipes
Delicious and COMFORTING. Food you get EXCITED to eat whilst dropping pounds and inches

Support From Tara and The Team
You'll get instat access to the EXCLUSIVE TARAnsformer Facebook Group for daily support and motivation.
“So I joined this to give my self the kick start I needed. Having lost 3stone for my wedding and thanks to Tara's clean eating I kept it off for over a year. I went into a downward spiral of comfort eating and in 2months put on 10lbs!
I had been trying to do it by myself and lose the weight but it just wasn't working.
Im off on holiday next week and wanted to feel remotely comfortable in my skin.
I underestimated how much better I would feel with clean eating and post detox. The weight loss I would get and I have surprised myself with the new motivation and drive I have gained.
(I have gained far more than the 3-4lbs I hoped to lose).
I have a new desire to keep going and no longer crave or fancy sugary processed food!
(Thats alot to gain in a week, thank you Tara)
I would definitely (and have many times) recommend Taransformation to friends as it really works.
The Facebook group for accountability is fantastic and I thank everyone for their ideas tips and support.Results time 7lbs in 7 days Tara Hammett, you are a genius!
Thank you so much x x
"Rhian Jaggers, TARAnsformer
LOOK at some FAB results
These are just a few of the BRILLIANT results we've seen from TARAnsformers who have followed the recipes in the 7 Day Detox Week Program