Many busy, hard-working women can barely remember the slim & sexy body they had in their 20s. And shopping for jeans with the perfect fit has been an impossible dream. Until now...
Discover The Simple Secret You’re Missing That Could Transform Your Body… How You Feel… Maybe Even Your Entire Life… WITHOUT Counting Calories, Points, Or Anything Else
Then life changed. Maybe you got married. Maybe you had kids. Maybe you decided to focus on your career. Or maybe it all happened together. Life just seemed to get really busy all of a sudden. And as your life changed…. so did your body.
Buying clothes wasn’t easy anymore. In fact, it suddenly became a necessity filled with dread and even embarrassment. When was the last time you bought something simply because it looked amazing on you, rather than something that just covered you up?
Instead you settle for frumpy, baggy clothes and obsess over your weight and no matter what you’ve tried in the past, nothing ever seems to work for you. But I’m here to tell you, none of this is your fault because there’s a simple reason why...

Every Single Major Weight Loss Solution on The Market Is Missing This Simple Secret
They’re missing something so obvious and simple, you might not believe me when I tell you. But I’ve seen the results for myself and I want YOU to see them too.
Imagine what it would feel like discovering the secret to reclaiming the body you had in your 20s.
Or even to just look in the mirror and feel confident again. Wear whatever outfits you want and look forward to parties, going out with the girls, or date nights. Be ready for whatever the world throws at you.
Everybody wants to feel fab, right?
So every once in a while, you get a burst of inspiration and motivation. You remember that feeling when others didn’t just see you as a Mum. When your other half didn’t just see you as a Mum. And you decide to take the plunge and try the latest celebrity diet, weight loss supplement or embark on a new exercise plan.

But there always seems to be something missing, something stopping you from staying on track. You miss a workout, or decide to skip the gym altogether. You enjoy one treat too many or maybe a glass of prosecco turns into two, then three. You feel like you just don’t have time
Mostly though, you’re just not getting the results you want. So you forget about it and everything goes back to the way it was. Turns out there's only one secret stopping you from getting where you want to be. Something so simple, that every major weight loss program ignores it completely.
Let me explain…
The 3 Reasons Every Major Women’s Weight Loss Program Simply Doesn’t Work
REASON 1: They Only Focus On Your Weight
You see with Weight Watchers, Slimming World or any other big-name program, success is only ever measured by one thing. Your weight.
All they care about is reducing the number on the scales. But you and I both know how you feel should always be more than whatever the number is.
You probably joined because you wanted help and you thought you would get the support you needed in your weight loss journey. And all they want to do is focus on lowering the number on the scales by any means necessary.
That means making you feel guilty about your food choices, pressure from being weighed in front of others and LOTS of counting. Counting points, counting syns, counting calories counting the days until the next weigh in.
This is ridiculous. How are you supposed to feel good about yourself when all they ask you to do is constantly count everything you eat and then they make you feel like a failure when you make the wrong choice or come off their plan?
REASON 2: They Really Don’t Care About You
You know yourself how much you care about the people closest to you. You're the glue holding everything together. You and I both know nothing works in your family without YOU making it happen. And because you care so much, you know every little detail of what’s going on in their lives. You’re always there for them and always there to pick up the pieces when they need you the most.
And this is what all these big name weight loss program are missing. They focus on your weight, but they don't really care about you. You're just another number to them. Either you help to promote them and their program, or you're dragging their average success rate down. That's all there is to it.
They're only interested in getting as many bums on seats as possible. They don't take the time to understand everything going on in your life. The same way you know every detail of what's going on with the people you care about.
Not only that, but because so many people come and go, they’re not motivated to really look after their clients. There’s no incentive to support people and see them succeed in the long term. After all, there’s always going to be somebody else around the corner ready to take your pace. Somebody looking to hand over their hard-earned money in return for the promise of results.
But it's not just the slimming clubs who are guilty of this.
Maybe you've tried classes at your local gym. Many of my girls have tried spin classes, body pump, or some other group exercise at some point. Sometimes you even feel better for doing them. But it's not long before you get bored and your busy life gets in the way…..again.
Like, when there’s a minor emergency at school, you have a deadline to meet at work, or you’re needed at home because one of the kids has a fever, so going to your class gets put at the bottom of your priority list. But hey, it wasn't really working for you anyway - right?
The problem with group classes is the same as with the big name diet programs. Nobody cares about you.
REASON 3: Nothing Is Personalised To YOU
If your life is anything like mine, you’re busy. Crazy busy. No matter how hard you try to fit everything in, it can sometimes seem like your Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible, but you look and feel like Bridget Jones. And when you join a big-name weight loss program or join a gym, there’s no accounting for you as an individual.
And then, when they’re trying to squeeze you into their one size fits all approach, it’s really uncomfortable and doesn't work. It’s so easy to get lost amongst the large groups, strict diet plans and ALL THAT COUNTING.
So What’s The Answer For You?
Have you ever wondered how celebs like Holly Willoughby and Alex Jones stay looking amazing?
They’re all mothers. They’ve both openly talked about struggling with their weight after having kids. And yet they’re always looking great whenever we see them on TV or in the press.
So what have Holly and Alex got in common? Well, they’ve figured out this simple secret...
The Simple Secret
I say it's simple. And it really is. You see the difference between long term permanent weight loss success and eternal frustration has nothing to do with meal plans or diets.
It has nothing to do with the exercise plan or Whether it was devised by a team of so called “experts”
The simple secret you and millions of other frustrated women are missing…. is this. It’s having access to a coach who cares about YOU as a person.
Someone who understands you, who understands your struggles. A real person who you can contact for personal, direct access and get help and support, whenever you need it most.
Someone who offers more than an exercise plan.
More than just a nutrition plan and a bunch of recipes.
And more than a plan devised by a “team of experts”.
I know this might sounds super obvious to you.
But think back….
When have you ever worked with somebody who cared about you as a person? As a woman? Not just as pounds or kilos. Somebody who really understood the daily pressures of your life and everything you have to deal with on a day-to-day basis.
What Happens When You Go Off Track?
There’s nothing worse than being made to feel guilty and ashamed when you fall off the wagon. With all the pressures life brings, it’s easier than ever to miss a workout. Not to mention have a ready meal instead of preparing nutritious food.
But do you know what? Sometimes, you just need some chocolate in your life.There’s nothing wrong with that at all.
Why should you be made to feel bad? Lots of the ladies I work with have said that the main reason they gave up on previous diets was because they lost momentum and felt like failures.
Look, I get it. We all need a supportive environment when we’re trying to make positive changes in our lives. And we both know that there’s more to feeling good about yourself than just your weight.
You're a busy and hard-working woman. So you need somebody who understands that. Somebody watching your back. Understanding everything you're going through right now and supporting you every step of the way. Because feeling great and reclaiming your confidence is about more than just your body, or your fitness.
Have You Made This Mistake In The Past?
It's essential you understand this fundamental truth.
Focussing solely on your weight will just keep you feeling rubbish and keep you on the yo yo dieting roller coaster.
All the big weight loss plans forget about the relationship with how you look and feel. They’re all about reducing that number on the scales. Don’t get me wrong, that’s important. But living the best life you can is and should be about so much more than that.
You instinctively know this. But there doesn’t seem to be anybody out there to help you. Someone to guide you through the ups and downs. To remind you that it’s ok to enjoy the guilty pleasures you like. Because the fact is, if you’re not enjoying life, no amount of dieting or exercise is going to feel good or make you feel good.
I believe that having this holistic approach to your mind and body together is crucial. In fact, I know this is the difference between success and failure. Because I’ve seen what it can do for hundreds of other women just LIKE YOU. All your effort goes into the special people in your life. You love, support and care about them. You put everybody else first.
Don’t you deserve the same?
If you don’t start putting yourself first, you’ll be forever stuck where you are. You’ll keep looking around at other women and wondering how they’re doing it. Feeling guilty and under pressure will become the norm.
You deserve better.
It's about time you put YOURSELF first…..
Life Transformer with Tara Hammett
The ONLY Online Women’s Body Transformation Plan With Direct & Personal Access To A Coach Who Actually Cares About YOU... not just your weight
Life Transformer is built around a holistic long term approach to your health and fitness. As a Life Transformer member I want you to do more than just lose weight.
I want you to feel amazing, eat chocolate, drink prosecco AND feel great wearing whatever you want. And I know that the key to this is regular support. So that no matter what is going on in your life, you can stay in shape, stay confident and stay fabulous. That’s why I created Life Transformer.
My #1 Concern Is Helping You Make Continual Progress
I’ve seen so many busy, hard-working women put themselves last. As a busy Mum myself, I know how hard it can be to balance everything. Your family comes first. But if you’ve ever been on a plane, you’ll know what the safety briefing says…
“Always put on your own oxygen mask first, BEFORE attempting to help anyone else.”
And it’s about time you started putting yourself first when it comes to looking and feeling great.
After having so many great success stories with my 6 week body plan, I knew I could do more for my girls.

Emma Stewart
I have loved so many parts of the 6 week body plan. The girls I have met and the friendships we've formed has been amazing. We are all in the same boat and they are always there for you when you need them. The support group is a fantastic way to stay motivated, ask any questions and get that extra bit of support, and of course getting the encouragement and praise is incredible and really helped me in my journey.

Maggie Firley
I was Acutely ill with an inoperable, embolised Brain aneurysm.
My world stopped.
I had a stressful but rewarding 30 year career and ran marathons. Now 50 and only the menopause to look forward to I followed the expert medical advice to rest and avoid stress, so I sat on the sofa eating crap and held a pity party in my head.
By chance I watched a podcast by Tara Hammett and followed her online programmes. With the non judgmental, unconditional support from Tara and the amazing girls in the group I slowly came out from under my rock.
I have lost 2 stone 8lbs and 35 inches, and enjoyed the fun, holistic approach, mind, body and soul.
I’m getting my confidence back and even did a Burlesque course resulting in a debut performance on stage.

Beth Lloyd Morgan
" I used to think you couldn't have a life and be thin!
I always suffered with my weight up one year down the next, was 9st 4 in 2012 when I got married and that was a result of herbalife milkshakes and lots of running. Then I injured my calf and kinda lost the running bug.
Slowly over the years the weight crept on and I didn't realise how much to be honest I was just
"enjoying life "
I knew I had gained weight but figured this is me and this is how I'm meant to be. I was also of the opinion that life was to short to be miserable and dieting so continued to eat and drink whatever I wanted when ever I wanted.
It was only when I saw those photos from my friends wedding in June of 2016 that I realised how big I'd got!
So that was it. I decided a diet was called for, cut everything out and started running again! This only lasted about 4 weeks before once again calf popped and I had to hobble home, so that was it had no idea what to do other than cut out everything and diet.
Lost a few pounds I think but was refusing to weigh because I was scared of what the scales would say.
Plus I was annoyed that my 40th birthday was only 6 months away and we had a group holiday to Ibiza coming up in the September that I had to do something I didn't want to be fat at forty.
Then I learned about Tara and thought it was worth a try, be a nice kick start to something.
After an 8lb initial loss I could not believe it and I was hooked.
Now I feel fitter than ever, have more energy and totally changed my body shape. Even my husband has noticed.
I love the fact that now I don't even think twice about food and even treats, yes I do indulge and some weeks more than others but I now know how to rein it in. "
Lot’s of women on LIfe Transformer have lost weight, reclaimed their confidence and now feel fab.
But how do you keep that momentum going long term?
The 3 Things You Need
You’d be amazed at how much progress you can make in a short space of time. But to make lasting change, there are three things you need.

Ongoing support from a fitness professional
The fact is, no matter how many videos you watch, articles you read, or programs you try, you simply can’t do this alone. You might have tried a few times or twenty. But you already know that you need help. It’s just finding somebody you can trust to deliver on their promises.
I’ve helped hundreds of women just like you. And I’m passionate about working with my girls over the long haul. The longer we work together, the better the results are. That’s why I created Life Transformer. So that I could help my girls STICK to their goals and live the kind of life they want.

A holistic approach to your health & fitness
There’s more to life than dieting. I know you know this. No matter what you’ve tried in the past, whenever you focus on just your weight, it never works long-term.
That’s why Life Transformer incorporates a lot more than just diet. There’s a whole lot of things that will make you feel fab all round. It’s more than just exercise and food choices.
Together, I’ll help you to improve your sleep, relationships, and the balance in your lifestyle. All these things together are the key extras which make the difference between success and failure.

A community of other women just like you
Every successful person ever, had a team around them. People they could count on. Now you will have too. Not only do I personally support every single one of my girls, but I encourage everyone to look out for each other.
This community is an integral part of Life Transformer..

What’s Included With Life Transformer
Life Transformer is my membership group for busy, hard-working women just like you. The longer we work together, the more results you get AND keep.

Fat-burning Workouts Starting From Just 12 Minutes a Day
You’re busy. I get it. That’s why my workouts are quick AND effective. Scientifically designed to burn fat in the shortest possible time. They’re also suitable for ANY fitness level. So whether you’re just starting out or you’ve tried any other regular exercise plan - I’ve got you covered.


Customizable Meal Plans and Recipes
You’ll get full access to my ENTIRE collection of simple, healthy recipes. Food that’s easy to prepare, filling AND will get you to your goals faster. The best part? You never have to think about what’s healthy and what isn’t. Just trust in the recipes.


Shopping List Template
Takes the stress out of shopping for the “right” things. The less you have to think about your choices, the easier it’ll be to stick to your goals.


Daily Accountability
99% of busy, hard-working women aren’t hitting their goals because they’re going it alone.
With all the other pressures in your life, trying to make lifestyle changes without daily support is always going to be a struggle. It doesn’t have to be though. With daily check-ins, you’ll be making changes that stick and feeling fab in no time.


Community of Supportive Women Like You
Unlike every other plan out there, I make myself available to you directly.
But I also encourage all my girls to push each other on and support each other. My girls have made new friends and discovered that there ARE other women out there dealing with the same stuff.


Exclusive Content for Life Transformer Members
By becoming a member, you get exclusive access to new recipes, workouts, videos and more. All this is ONLY available to my members. I save the best advice and support for the women who invest in themselves.
What’s Included With Life Transformer
Life Transformer is my membership group for busy, hard-working women just like you. The longer we work together, the more results you get AND keep.

Fat-burning Workouts Starting From Just 12 Minutes a Day
You’re busy. I get it. That’s why my workouts are quick AND effective. Scientifically designed to burn fat in the shortest possible time. They’re also suitable for ANY fitness level. So whether you’re just starting out or you’ve tried any other regular exercise plan - I’ve got you covered.

Customizable Meal Plans and Recipes
You’ll get full access to my ENTIRE collection of simple, healthy recipes. Food that’s easy to prepare, filling AND will get you to your goals faster. The best part? You never have to think about what’s healthy and what isn’t. Just trust in the recipes.

Shopping List Template
Takes the stress out of shopping for the “right” things. The less you have to think about your choices, the easier it’ll be to stick to your goals.

Daily Accountability
99% of busy, hard-working women aren’t hitting their goals because they’re going it alone.
With all the other pressures in your life, trying to make lifestyle changes without daily support is always going to be a struggle. It doesn’t have to be though. With daily check-ins, you’ll be making changes that stick and feeling fab in no time.

Community of Supportive Women Like You
Unlike every other plan out there, I make myself available to you directly.
But I also encourage all my girls to push each other on and support each other. My girls have made new friends and discovered that there ARE other women out there dealing with the same stuff.

Exclusive Content for Life Transformer Members
By becoming a member, you get exclusive access to new recipes, workouts, videos and more. All this is ONLY available to my members. I save the best advice and support for the women who invest in themselves.
What’s Included With Life Transformer
Life Transformer is my membership group for busy, hard-working women just like you. The longer we work together, the more results you get AND keep.

Fat-burning Workouts Starting From Just 12 Minutes a Day
You’re busy. I get it. That’s why my workouts are quick AND effective. Scientifically designed to burn fat in the shortest possible time. They’re also suitable for ANY fitness level. So whether you’re just starting out or you’ve tried any other regular exercise plan - I’ve got you covered.

Customizable Meal Plans and Recipes
You’ll get full access to my ENTIRE collection of simple, healthy recipes. Food that’s easy to prepare, filling AND will get you to your goals faster. The best part? You never have to think about what’s healthy and what isn’t. Just trust in the recipes.

Shopping List Template
Takes the stress out of shopping for the “right” things. The less you have to think about your choices, the easier it’ll be to stick to your goals.

Daily Accountability
99% of busy, hard-working women aren’t hitting their goals because they’re going it alone.
With all the other pressures in your life, trying to make lifestyle changes without daily support is always going to be a struggle. It doesn’t have to be though. With daily check-ins, you’ll be making changes that stick and feeling fab in no time.

Community of Supportive Women Like You
Unlike every other plan out there, I make myself available to you directly.
But I also encourage all my girls to push each other on and support each other. My girls have made new friends and discovered that there ARE other women out there dealing with the same stuff.

Exclusive Content for Life Transformer Members
By becoming a member, you get exclusive access to new recipes, workouts, videos and more. All this is ONLY available to my members. I save the best advice and support for the women who invest in themselves.
Join Today And You’ll NEVER Again Have to Struggle
If you’re done feeling fed up, it’s time to take action. No matter what’s going on in your life, I’ll be there to help you. And you can start making progress today.
With Life Transformer, you’ll learn:
Because we’re not just focusing on a number on the scales, you’ll start feeling better about yourself IMMEDIATELY. That’s a promise.

But What Makes Life Transformer Different?
I get it. You’ve been promised results before.
And you’ve probably tried several different exercise programs, or weight-loss plans before.
You can already see that everything you expect to see is included. All the tools you need to start making positive changes in your life and get back your confidence.
That’s a given though. And there are plenty of programs/coaches you could choose. What makes Transformer unique is having direct access to me - your coach.
You see, to get the same kind of support and training I’m offering, you’d need to hire a personal trainer. Depending on where you live, that can cost anywhere from £40 - £100 per hour. And if you want to make any kind of consistent progress, you need AT LEAST one hour per week.
That’s between £175 and £400 a month for the minimum amount of personal guidance and support.
And then what happens:
Can you just message your personal trainer and get the support you need WHEN YOU NEED IT?
Of course not.
You have to arrange another session and pay for another hour. And by that time, you’ve lost your momentum THEN you’re out of pocket even more AND back to square one.
But You Don’t Need To Spend a Fortune
Because Life Transformer is only £27 a month. That’s NOT EVEN £1 a day for the kind of ongoing support that usually costs hundreds.
That’s Not All Though….
When you buy today, you’ll also get the following bonuses:
FREE Access to my 6 Week Body Plan (worth £54)
This is the program that kick starts weight loss and life change for my girls. To give you the best possible start I’m including it here for FREE. That way, you’ve got access to every possible tool to start making positive changes in your life.
30 Minute Coaching Call with Tara (worth £50)
Maybe you’re worried about a specific body part more than the others?
Or you need more detailed help in a certain area of your life?
I’ve worked with thousands of different women over the years. And I’ve helped them not only get trim and feel great, but also with the bigger issues in life. So feel free to ask me whatever you want and I’ll give you the benefit of my years of experience.
How Do I Know If Life Transformer Will Work For Me?
Whenever you set out to make improvements in your life, you reap what you sow. By choosing to work with me, you’re getting the best possible education, support and advice. And you don’t need very much time to start seeing fantastic changes.
I’ll help you in every way that I can. But ultimately, you still have to do the work to get the results.
If you’re willing to give me your best, I will GUARANTEE to get you results. Because I feel so strongly about that, the first month of Life Transformer is RISK FREE.
When you join today, take the first month to get familiar with how everything works. If you decide it really won’t work for you, get in touch for a full, prompt and courteous refund. No hard feelings. I want every woman who joins me to feel great about the journey we’re going on together.
What are you waiting for?
Frequently Asked Questions
As I’ve said already, joining gives you direct access to me. And I’m more than happy to talk to you at any point if you have any questions. In the meantime though, here are some of the common questions I regularly get asked about Life Transformer:
I’ve tried Weight Watchers, Slimming World, or other programs and nothing worked. What makes Life Transformer different?
What if I’m not sure, or I don’t like doing it?
I barely have enough time as it is. Can I still start looking and feeling better without spending ages?
I’m vegetarian/vegan, can this still work for me?
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