Look what’s coming soon.
Really wanted to share that photo
with you that I took on my phone from last night.
If you haven’t seen on my social media yet, I
was filming all day yesterday for my SECOND Workout DVD.
Following the incredible success of the
first one, a part 2 was definitely needed.
And yesterday we finished shooting
with the guys from Vibe TV.
That photo just said it all for me yesterday.
The sunset
My dumbbells
and the amount of times I said
That was AMAZING was really special to me yesterday.
It was hard work though.
I had to film 3 workouts which were a challenge for
I was tired from them but I had an end goal.
If it wasn’t for the fact the weather
is forecast to be bad here the rest of the week I would
have put some off and dragged it out
a bit.
But the weather gave me a deadline.
More Pressure so I had to
dig in and get it done.
Give it all I had.
and the result….
Absolutely OVER THE MOON.
I felt proud of the hard work
we’d put in.
I had the production team
with me and at the end we had
a group photo,
PROUD of the achievement.
THAT photo…I’m
ACTUALLY in love with it.
There’s a lesson in this for you too.
Your final photo would be a lot
different to mine.
It could be one with your family
One of you feeling gorgeous in
an outfit you love
Maybe not even a photo,
maybe you could be proud of your achievement
from your reflection in the mirror.
You’ve got goals.
Goals that are important to you.
You may want to lose weight
Tone up
Stop feeling miserable and
achieve them one day.
Like me yesterday
Maybe you feel like giving in
and you do GIVE IN!
You don’t have the PRESSURE or
a deadline like I did with the weather
Maybe you do NOT have the support
of people to help you through.
But you can.
My DVD won’t be available for a few weeks yet
as it’s in the hands of the production team now.
You can work on achieving YOUR GOALS
with my 7 day Detox Program.
We kick off on Monday and I’d LOVE to be your
support and help you take the step towards your goals.
Invest in 7 days with a team of people that
are also on the same mission as you.
So whilst I have that beautiful image
as a reminder of the hard work and
then the feeling of achievement.
What would your image look like?
Let me help you bring it to reality.
Join the program now by clicking on the
link below now
We’re opening the group on Friday and
I’ll be helping the team DE-BLOAT,
lose weight and get on the road to
achieving THAT body goal.
Keep fit & fab
Tara xx
P.S Just before that pic it was also very scary…the tide was so close whilst
i was filming my last interval, but we ket going and made it!!
Again…you may feel a little scared about the program, but TRUST ME. I’ll help you get to the end of it too xxx
More from me:
The DVD everyone is LOVING: 6 workouts only 12 minutes long
Want to DOWNLOAD the workouts for only £3?
YOUR one stop shop for STRESS FREE healthy meals
More INDULGE, Less GUILT– The Chocolate eBook
My 21 day ULTIMATE weight loss program
Register for my 7 day Detox Program.