LOOK at Rhian! 3.5 stone GONE! - Tara Hammett

LOOK at Rhian! 3.5 stone GONE!

Today I share another fantastic
story from Rhian.
Rhian has recently
Programme with me and look at
the difference in her!!
Rhian is in Bali right now and
is still keeping in touch in the group.
She is LOVING her holiday and
sharing her AMAZING time with the new
friends she made in the group.
Here, Rhian shares her story:
I was due to get married and had tried
lots of diets and gym training but
could not sustain anything and
every time ended up putting back on more weight.
Tara helped me, with Personal Training,
to lose 3 stone
for my wedding and feel AMAZING.
That was 18 months ago
I kept the momentum going for a while
but then slowly the weight crept back.
10lbs and was a wobblier version of
what I had become!
WORSE than that
Work life balance was not good.
I was so busy with work that
I could not enjoy my weekends,
had no time for friends exercise or me.
I didn’t feel like ME anymore and
was at breaking point!!
I knew what to do but wasn’t doing it!
So I got back in touch with Tara and
was accepted onto the Life TARAnsformer program
one of the best decisions I have ever made.
I did not do the Life TARAnsformer program
to lose the weight
I needed to change my mind set.
I have learnt some hard lessons
but ultimately learnt that
the thoughts were my own worse enemy .
I have learnt to love life again
To be me and to be accountable.
My relationships with friends
my husband and
most importantly myself is DRAMATICALLY improved.
I feel like a different person.
I no longer feel
I’m too fat to wear that
or look at those tiny girls in bikinis,
wish I could wear short shorts and
have energy to dance the night away
Last night on holiday in Bali
I was the tiny girl in short shorts…….
dancing on the table and I loved every minute.
Because I have learnt to accept who I am
and be me and the bonus….
…I have lost 3.5 stone in total
and just in the 12 week Life TARAnsformer program
I lost 1 stone and a
MASSIVE 18 inches from my body!!
The programmes have changed my life
twice and are easily maintainable.
Now I have the final piece in the puzzle sorted the MINDSET
I have loved most the TARAnsformer Facebook support groups.
They have been sensational
and have made some amazing friends.
They have kept me committed and
been there to pick me up when having a bad day and
encourage when having a good day.
DO IT!!!!!!!!!
Just do it.
What have you got to lose …..you’ve got so much to gain.
There a 4 different online programme
and I have done them all and
love them all for different reasons.
It is worth the investment.
I cancelled my gym membership
and use these programs instead.
I can not recommend this enough.
I am now entering my 30s with
the body I had in my early 20s and
learning to just enjoy life!
I will also (thanks to the inner circle)
be able to keep it up and keep it off.
I cannot thank Tara enough.
Rhian’s new CONFIDENT,
energetic and happy lifestyle is
I’m so proud of Rhian
“Well done Gorgeous Girly!!!”
Again, today I’ll be on the phone to
a few more that have applied.
There are limited places and
AGAIN…I know this will sell out.
It is my FINAL one this year.
If you want to change – take the first step
towards your happier, healthier future.
Keep fit & fab
Tara xx
P.S 7 spaces left for my Life TARAnsformer Program
^^^^ There’s the link to apply and join me for 12 weeks of epicness ^^
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  • August 16, 2015