It’s all GO GO GO!
Erm….lies, no I don’t.
I’m rubbish at it.
This one time I was meant to go to
Aberavon LITERALLY 10mins down the road from me and
I drove 40mins to a place called
ABERDARE instead!!!
No wonder the person I was looking for wasn’t stood outside
Dorothy Perkins like I expected.
Anyway…where am I going with this you wonder??
I got excited.
My 7 Day Detox Week
has recruited some
brand new epic TARAnsformers.
Sarah from Bradford
Emma from Somerset
Beverly from Lancashire
and many more.
Think we’ve got a good balance of north,
east, south and west in there.
And whilst I’ve been typing away emailing you
this Michelle and Rachel just joined – HI GIRLIES!!
So whilst we all get motivated, organised
and ready to take on next week with my
(Freaky yeah!)
What are you doing??
Not lazing around being all hungover
and lethargic and not gonna do anything I hope?!
So whilst I remind you that:
1) This is the LAST ONE
2) You can live anywhere that geography exists as it’s online
3) It’s suitable for meat eaters, vegetarians, vegans,
fussy eaters, non-stop eaters, junk eaters, fire eaters….. 😉
4) I’m also gonna remind you what you get:
WHAT DO YOU GET? In the program, this is what we’ve CRAMMED in: * EASY exercise – only walking so you can start no matter what your fitness level. * A HUGE catalogue of recipes which will make the detox SIMPLE for you * A PRIVATE Support group so you can stay motivated for the whole week * A mixture of meals, snacks, smoothies, salads, soups & stews so even the biggest FOODIE will feel full and have plenty of choice. * BRILLIANT videos to watch that will answer every question you may have (and if the answer to your question its not there – I’ll make it for you) * My PROVEN lifestyle tips to help you SPEED UP fatloss * What I do to stay positive, happier and take TIME OUT for myself. * How you can ACCELERATE weight loss with luxuries such as bubble baths, massage and catching up with friends *The opportunity to stay extra MOTIVATED as you surround yourself by people JUST LIKE YOU on the same mission. * Learn how to eat BREAD and ICE-CREAM whilst eliminating toxins and beating the BLOATED BELLY Keep Fit & Fab
Tara xx
P.S Sending you a video later to help inspire you too 😉
More from me:
Take me anywhere with you on your smart phone, tablet or laptop
Get ALL my cookbooks to help you eat INCREDIBLE food and STILL lose weight
More INDULGE, Less GUILT– The Chocolate eBook The DETOX COLLECTION Ebook THE 21 Day ORIGINAL TARAnsformer Program My ULTIMATE weight loss, fitness & toning program The KICKSTART Weight loss 7 Day DETOX Program Eliminate those problems and detox with REAL FOOD to lose up to 9lbs JOIN ANY DAY, ANY TIME WITH TARA’S INNER CIRCLE Workouts, Recipes, Mindset, Support and EPIC RESULTS every month |