I’m wearing my daughters jeans
Not me obviously
That’s what Emma said to me when we all met up on Saturday.
The Life TARAnsformer 7 programme has come to an end.
it has FLOWN BY and I’m so excited to be looking for the next team of
success stories ready to change their body and lifestyle.
Even though these girlies have been sharing a journey together
for the last 14 weeks, this was the first time they had met each other.
They were all looking amazing too.
Enjoying good food
Reflecting on what everyone had learned
Getting to know their new friends and
Chatting about what they had achieved.
It’s so inspiring listening to what they have to say.
Amongst the comments and feedback the
girls were saying how they were
Feeling better than ever
No more anxiety like they used to have
Better skin
Wearing clothes 2 sizes smaller
More confident
Enjoy going out now – rather than dreading it.
Ooh…and not to forget…
Emma has gone from hating her body to stealing her daughters jeans and
was yesterday sunbathing in the garden in her bikini for the FIRST TIME.
Would you fancy joining me for the next Life TARAnsformer programme?
I’m looking for the next team now.
I’ve already got 4 in.
I’m only taking 20
To even be considered for the programme, we’ve got to
To see if you really want it.
To see if you’re ready.
And if you’re ready.
Fill out this quick form HERE to tell me about you and all the things you want to change.
I can help you.
Tara xx
OMG this is such an exciting week.
I have SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH to share with you.
It all started last night, when my gorgeous brother and his
beautiful partner Ceri shared their fabulous news that they’re going to be having a baby.
I’m going to be revealing more exciting news each day,
Look out on my Facebook tomorrow morning 😉
I’ll be launching something BRAND NEW on Thursday….LIVE!!!!!!
There’s one more thing to come- but it’s still in production.
Best week everrrrrrrrrrrrr