I apologise

How much do you want to change?
Yesterday I replied to many inboxes, comments and whatsapp messages about the 21 day programme. Wanting to know how I transformed myself and all the girls who join the programme.
Sending a simple message worked as all the girls that got in touch have now joined in the 21 day programme which opened this morning.
We’ve all got motivation inside us, you right now are motivated to do the things you like.
Another way to get motivated is to move away from what you don’t like and make some change. Think about what you really want and taking steps to get where you want.
This morning in the group I’m setting the girls a little task.
They’re going to think about what they really want.
What they would love to achieve
How the would love to see themselves
They’re going to be getting that one outfit from their wardrobe that they would LOVE to get back in.
They’re gonna get back on the wagon and feel proud of themselves.
What’s stopping your from changing right now?
It could be the fear of failure,
Not knowing what to do,
Telling yourself that the way you are is the way you’re meant to be,
Feel you’ve left it too long and too late.
It’s NEVER to late.
Some of the girls in the programme have done it before, but they lapsed.
They let bad habits creep back in.
They’ve missed the accountability
Missed the support,
Missed the feeling of being proud when they achieved results,
Missed the feeling of being empowered when they turned down unhealthy food
Missed the feeling of being chuffed that they did their 12 min HIIT workout << You never feel bad after.
Here are a few of the comments I had…..
Q: Hiya Tara really interested in this but can’t find any prices ? Xxx
A: It’s only £30! £10 a week to change your body & happiness is SOOOOOO worth it.
Comment: Hi Tara
I’m the person who applied for you to call me to chat about diet etc but didn’t answer when you called. This was months ago. I apologise. But I lost 4stone 2 years ago and now I’ve put 2 stone on. The big problem is that Im getting married in August and I now look horrendous in my dress. I NEED your help.
I replied. First there was no need to apologise. We can all only do things when we feel we are ready for it. Now is the time for this lovely lady and I’m going to help her look and feel incredible on her big day.
Q: Tara, can you tell me when the next detox or T21 starts please?? I need to kick start and get back on track
A: Yes I can babes….THIS WEEKEND! T21 is opening this morning. It’s defo time to get back on track xx
Now over to YOU
You may need some motivation to move away from where you are right now.
You may need some help to believe you can change
You may miss the support and motivation from joining in with the programmes before.
It’s starting this weekend.
Don’t leave it another week, month or year to decide you need to change and accept that ONLY YOU can do it!
I’m going into the group now to get the girls excited and get started on their first task!
Hope to see you in there
Tara xxx
P.S I’m happy to answer more inboxes, whatsapp messages and comments. so if you have any, dont just think it….do it
✔️ THE 12 MIN WORKOUTS to get you toned FASTERhttps://tarahammett.com/dvds/
✔️ THE RECIPES to eat more, cheaper and make it quick
✔️ #1 YOUR KICKSTART – the 7 Day Real Food Detox week
(Lose up to 11lbs)
✔️ #2 THE NEXT STEP – The 21 day ULTIMATE weight loss program
(Change your body shape in 3 weeks)
✔️ #3 THE LIFESTYLE – Keep the weight off forever in my Inner Circle
✔️ The GUARANTEED RESULTS 12 week programme – The Life Taransformer
Join the waiting list – application only