Transforming Busy Mums From Stressed and Exhausted to Healthy and in Control of How They Look and Feel
Tara's Life Transformer program is for you if you want to feel the way you used to, want to fit in to your pre-pregnancy wardrobe and if you want the self confidence to lead a happier, healthier life.
Too many women are living unhappy and unfulfilled lives embarrassed by what they see in the mirror and on the scales. They are also feel stressed all the time, trying to please everyone while constantly worrying about what others think about them. They say yes to everything so they won’t be judged by others but judge themselves worse than anyone else ever could.
With over 20 years of knowledge and education in health, fitness and nutrition my Life Transformer plans have already helped thousands of women lead healthier and happier lives.
With my support and guidance you'll discover how you finally stop negative feeling and guilt about food.
Take Back Control and Feel Like The Old You
Meet Your Secret Weapon
Hi, I'm Tara, the creator of Life Transformer. Over the last 20 years as a women's health and fitness coach I've helped transform thousands of women to lead healthy, happier lives and I'm looking forward to help you get started on your journey.
My life mission is to help women be happier, healthier and to positively change how they look and feel with my Life Transformer coaching programs and community.
I'm also a mum to a gorgeous little boy called Danny and despite what things look like on the outside, I know what it feels like to feel lonely, stressed and out of control after giving birth. Thinking my body and life had changed forever and I would never feel or look like the old me again.
If you've been there you'll know the numbness, feelings of isolation and for me the worst one was that nagging feeling of guilt each day.
You'll only understand this if you've been a mum, and men, well they will never understand this in a million years. I even got to the point that I was envious and angry at my partner for being able to carry on with his life as normal, as if nothing had changed.
I also know that with my guidance and support you can 100% overcome your own challenges and struggles with your weight, your health and fitness and how you feel about yourself.
Struggles that can affect every single of your life.
Your first step is making the decision to take back control and when you make that decision, I'll be here to help get you started on your Life Transformer journey to being healthy, happy and in control of how you look and feel.
Tara's Life Transformer program is for you if you want to feel the way you used to, want to fit in to your pre-pregnancy wardrobe and if you want the self confidence to lead a happier, healthier life
Life Transformer Success Stories
Gemma Price
Lost 20lbs in Less Than 3 Months
"Before Life Transformer I was unhappy, depressed and my mood was always negative because of my appearance. I knew exactly what I needed to do with exercise and eating but the missing piece of the jigsaw for me was being surrounded by incredible women and the wealth of knowledge from Tara.
Life Transformer isn’t about a quick fix, it's change of lifestyle, it’s about relationships, mindset, sleep and creating healthy habits for life.
I’ve lost 20lbs in just under 3 months. I've improved confidence, self esteem and I'm happier. I can put my old jeans on and not spend half an hour stressing about how I look, I can wear sleeveless tops, I can run 5k and I'm sleeping better.
Most of all, I have the self confidence to walk out my door and just be happy"
Rachel Wilcox
Lost 2 Dress Sizes and Feel More Like Myself Again
"Before Life Transformer I was feeling self conscious and not myself.
After having a baby, I wanted to get fit and confident again. I’d always done regular exercise but lacked the self belief in myself now I was a Mum.
I've now lost two dress sizes and over two stone in 12 weeks with as a Life Transfomer.
What I loved about Tara's Life Transformer Coaching Program was the healthy lifestyle approach. No restrictions on food, No rigid dieting, No crazy long workouts.
Now I feel more like myself with more energy to look after my little boy."
Gemma Elizabeth
Happier, More Confident and Enjoying Life
"I joined Life Transformer to give myself a kick in the right direction as I was feeling low, unhealthy and not myself. After years of weight watchers and slimming world I didn’t know what to expect and was worried I may not like it.
With Tara's motivation and support I've lost 2 dress sizes and a stone in weight without ever feeling like I'm on a diet.
It’s a lifestyle which suits me. I have more energy, I'm happier, more confident and enjoying life more.
I couldn’t have done it without Tara and the Life Transformer group!"
Your Roadmap To Changing How You Look and Feel Forever
01 - Get Started
Making the decision to take positive action and change is the first step to changing how you look and feel. The first step is to get the support by joining my Life Transformer 28 Day Starter and help you need from a proven program like my Life Transformer packages.
02 - Get Clarity
You’re busy. I get it. That’s why my workouts are quick AND effective. Scientifically designed to melt fat in the shortest possible time. They’re also suitable for ANY fitness level. So whether you’re just starting out or you’ve tried any other regular exercise plan - I’ve got you covered.
03 - Get Results
Choose from a range of fully customizable fat loss meal plans and delicious family recipes to suit you and support your weight loss goals, no matter how much of fussy an eater you might be.
Why Life Transformer Coaching is Different To Anything You've Tried
Have you been let down in the past by promises of easy weight loss, fad diets, quick fixes and even "friends" trying to sell you the latest magical weight loss shake which may or may not have "helped their friend Sharon lose a gazillion pounds in just a few weeks."
I get it, you’ve been promised and maybe even guaranteed results before and like many of my Life Transformers you'll have tried different exercise programs, weight-loss plans or maybe even supplements before.
I can see why you might be sceptical right now, however The Life Transformer coaching program is different to anything else you may have tried. Plus it's really not your fault that other programs and plans haven't worked for you.
The truth is if you are serious about changing how you look and feel about yourself, no diet or exercise plan is going to help you right now because they don't take into account your personal circumstances.
Both me and the other Life Transformer members understand because collectively we've been through the same struggles you have. As a modern woman and mother it's hard to juggle everything and live up to expectations. Expectations from a society that expects you to look "perfect" all the time, despite juggling a career, managing a house, demanding kids and a partner who just doesn't get it. Trying to be a positive role model for you kids, while still holding it together and battling the little voice in your head constantly telling you you're not good enough. We've all been there, even me.
We know that as a mum, no matter how old your kids are, you feel like you have to be and do everything to everyone and your health and fitness goes right to the bottom of your ever growing to do list because it's just not a priority. But it doesn't have to be like that
The first step on your Life Transformer journey to taking back control is to get started and to make progress every day, even when you feel like everything else is falling to pieces around you.
Here's What's Included in
The Life Transformer 28 Day Foundation Plan
Weekly Live Coaching and Support with Tara
Every week I personally make myself available to you directly for support and the weekly Life Transformer coaching session. Our weekly group coaching call covers a different area of focus, from eating healthy, to exercise and also managing relationships, reducing your stress levels and staying in control of your emotions. We also do a live Q and A session with Tara, where you can ask here anything and each call is recorded to our members area and available on demand.
Life Transformer Healthy Eating Blueprint
Learn how easy it is to eat healthy and nutrition food that supports your weight loss goals. I'll also show you also how easy it is to stop feeling guilty about food, and how to start feeling and looking fabulous, while still enjoying the foods you love. (yes even the naughty ones). Plus unlike some well know weight loss solutions, we will never ever make you feel guilty when you fall off the wagon. With all the pressures life brings, it’s easy to miss a workout or order a pizza instead of preparing a healthy meal and that's okay. Let's be honest sometimes, you just need chocolate in your life and there’s nothing wrong with that at all.
Life Transformer Healthy Habit & Behaviour Blueprint
I'll show you how to take small steps to creating powerful daily healthy habits so you can reach your goals faster and become unstoppable. You'll learn how to control your emotional responses to food and alcohol and break free from the negative behaviours that make you feel like you're out of control. We'll help you develop a positive mindset, no matter what’s going on around you.
Life Transforming Accountability, Daily Check Ins and Support
Most women never lose the weight they want and give up because they try to do it on their own and they fail to prioritise their health and fitness. With all the busyness and pressure in other areas of your life, trying to make positive lifestyle changes without daily support and being kept accountable to your goals is impossible. With daily check-ins and personal accountability and group support, you’ll be making positive and permanent lifestyle changes in no time. Plus I'll make sure to keep you accountable and moving toward your goals, instead of failing, giving up and constantly having to start again.
The Life Transformer #TI12 Fitness System and Workout Library
Exclusive access to my powerful do anywhere 12 minute workouts. I know you're busy, which is why my Transform in 12 workouts are quick AND super effective for fast fat loss. Scientifically designed to get you results in the shortest possible time. They’re also suitable for ANY fitness level and you can do them with your kids no matter how old they are. Plus whether you’re new to exercise or if you’ve tried exercise before - I’ve got you covered.
Life Transformer Meal Plans and Recipes
You’ll get instant and full access to my ENTIRE collection of simple, healthy weight loss recipes. Nutritious and tasty food that’s easy to prepare, will keep you fuller for longer AND will help you reach your weight loss goals faster. You'll never have to think about what’s healthy and what isn’t. Plus you can choose from a range of fully customizable weight loss meal plans and delicious family recipes to support your goals, no matter how much of fussy eater you might be.
The Life Transformer Support Group
A private members area so you get access to UNLIMITED COACHING with me and my team, plus you’ll be part of a positive, empowering and SUPPORTIVE group of women to help will keep you motivated and on track every single day. I encourage Life Transformer Community to push each other towards their goals and support each other when they have a wobble. Many of my Life Transformers have made new friends for life and discovered that there ARE other women out there dealing with the same challenges they are.