Helen's SHOCKING 6 Week Body Transformation

Helen’s Shocking 6 Week Body Transformation

This is just INCREDIBLE!!

Helen posted this transformation in the 6 week body plan yesterday


In only 6 weeks, Helen looks completely different.

You can do the same too - JOIN IN NOW


On the 8th Jan 2018 Helen inboxed me the original photo in that fabulous dress. She didn't quite feel confident enough to share it in the group, but yesterday was a different story!

She is so proud of what she has achieved, she's more confident and happy to show everyone how amazing she's looking.....and what a difference you can make.

At the beginning of the year Helen knew she needed to do something,
she joined in with the 6 week plan and is an example that no matter what your lifestyle may be like, if you've got holidays or parties coming up you can STILL lose weight and actually enjoy how you do it.

Within the 6 weeks Helen has had a Hen weekend with 'all the wrong food' and 'too much booze' ( I would say it was just the right food & booze as she thoroughly enjoyed AND it was probably just what she needed to relax and be ready to get back on the healthy wagon straight after)

Helen has had 'Ridiculously Stressful' 12-14 hour shifts in work with night shifts in the mix.

She has also had lazy Sundays chilling and completely relaxing

The BEST thing Helen did was.....Get Started!

She put all of her faith into the plan and herself.
She saw the brillianT results of all the other girls that have done the plan and she decided it was time to get what she wanted....she has a special dress to get into and she will do it. She'll feel AMAZING TOO!

How often have you thought about losing weight, but still don't do anything?
(Or you try on your own for a few days but lose interest?)

How often have you thought about something you REALLY want but just left it as a thought because you worry about what others will say?

We all get self doubt and If we let those little lies we tell ourselves get the better of us....we'll NEVER do what we want.

Helen believed she could, she went for it and now she is so happy!

You have a goal..

  • You WANT to be HAPPIER
  • You WANT to be HEALTHIER
  • You WANT to be more CONFIDENT and you HOLD BACK
  • You worry about being a failure
  • You listen to those voices in your head saying
  • You think WHAT'S THE POINT'?

If getting to your goal hasn't worked in the past, don't change the goal.

Keep dreaming of it.
Keep believing you can do it.
Change the way you do it

Take the first step and GO FOR IT

You will be a little nervous, like all the girls I’ve spoken to in the past about joining 
and now....

Many of them, like Helen
Are delighted they took the first step
As I’ve helped give them some CLARITY
And suggested an action plan to them.

Some have decided they CANNOT
Carry on feeling the way they do and KNOW
The only person that Can help them is themselves.

So they’ve taken action on the plans.


^^ They joined in here!

I can help you lose the weight that will make you love your body more

I can help you eat healthier so you're full of energy and not restricting anymore.

I can help you improve your mindset and be more positive every day.

All you need to do is stop believing the doubt in your mind and take that step towards the future you can create.

Don't let the doubt hold you back.


The 6 week plan is open and we will be getting ready and prepared to start on Monday

What would your before photo look like?
(Feel free to send it to me like Helen did)

Keep fit & fab

P.S Helen - you and the girls have been incredible this last 6 weeks!! I'm so proud of you xxx

  • February 17, 2018