Have you got 10 minutes??
Last night I called the first group of girls that have applied for the Life Taransformer programme
(Before you read any further, if you want to apply, here’s the form
These girls are ready for it.
They know why they want to do it,
They need a bit more confidence and belief in themselves and
They do NOT want to look back in 3/6/9 months time WISHING they had done something sooner.
Like us all, they deserve to feel better about themselves.
They have tried many plans, but easily ended up going back to old habits.
These girlies are doing something different..
Both of them have done my programmes before AND,
kept the weight off but they both know that right now is action time.
They either stay where they are, fluctuating and on a plateau
They push the boundaries.
They both want the simple things:
To wear something prettier in the Summer, rather than covering up.
To lose a few more pounds and no longer hover around where they’ve been for a few weeks.
To keep baby weight off, but start to feel the tone and definition.
To feel like they’re in control of their body, happiness, work/life balance.
To feel like they’re ‘nailing it’
To know that when they have down days (Lets be realistic and accept we’ll all have them), that there’s support and friendly advice and encouragement from a group of women who are just the same.
To be the confident person they USED TO BE.
To STOP comparing to others.
Are any of these simple things what you want?
They’re all within your reach.
Whatever your reasons for wanting to change,
whether its to be able to take your children swimming
to be able to chase after them without feeling embarrassed
to go on your next holiday feeling confident in your swimwear
to turn up at an event and feel beautiful
to like what you see in the mirror.
One of the best things you could do today for your future self is to get in touch with me today.
^^^^ That form there will take you about 10mins to fill out.
10 minutes to think about what you want
10 minutes to think about why you haven’t got there yet
Then maybe get on the phone with me, lets see if you’re ready for 12 weeks with me.
Tara xx
P.S tomorrow I’ll share with you some inspiration from some epic results we’ve seen in the previous programmes