*Free Stuff* Here's THAT Weight Loss Shopping List - Tara Hammett

*Free Stuff* Here’s THAT Weight Loss Shopping List

If you don’t ask you don’t get.
The other day I asked what you felt you needed to help you stop being confused by what to do to really lose weight and keep it off.
Did you want:
More workouts
More recipes
More mindset reading????
…and I was asked this:
Can we have a Shopping list! For people like me who do not have a clue what to buy and what you should always have in your cupboards and fridge.
So here it is.
For any success with your weight loss, lets look at how you even set yourself up in the first place.
You’re not going to have any success if your cupboards and fridge are still loaded with
all the things that are STOPPING YOU from getting the results in the first place.
If you keep on eating healthy….then going back into th cupboards later to get out those choccies & crisps you’re craving…you’re NOT going to get where you want.
All you’ll do is tell yourself you’ll do better tomorrow and hope that you don’t cave again
….which you will.
Flipping eck, I totally would.
In my house we have a rather healthy collection of wine & champagne…it doesn’t bother us all all
But there is NO WAY we can have any chocolate, crisps or bread hanging around.
Waaaaaaaayyyyy to easy to grab hold of when you have a weak moment.
So we don’t have it.
Goody time is when we specifically buy some treats and they have to go more or less in one sitting. Then we can get back to the healthy stuff the next day.
Now with this shopping list, believe it or not,  it is not magical.
If you want the results, you’ve got to do the work.
As I send this I KNOW that the majority of people that look at it will do just that.
But some will actually use it, buy the ingredients and make the meals to help lose weight.
Does that sound obvious to you???
If you’re going to use the shopping list PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know.
The weekend is the perfect time to get this
Buy all the food, ready for the new week ahead.
In addition
Do all the things you know you need to do to see how successful you are.
In private:
Get your tape measure out
Step on the scales
Look in the mirror
Try on those skinny jeans
You’ve got to know where you’re starting to measure how well you do.
This is simple stuff to do…..
You just gotta do it
That’s it
I’ve put the effort in to get this info together for you, now it’s over to you.
I really would like to know if you want this and you find it helpful??
Thank youuuuuuu
Tara xxx
  • August 5, 2017