Ep 88 - Choosing what you want more over what you want now - Tara Hammett

Ep 88 – Choosing what you want more over what you want now

In this episode of The Life Transformer Show, Tara goes into detail about what it is that you actually want. All about taking action with the information that you’re gathering. Rather than just listening to all the theory behind what you could be doing to reach your long term goals and not actually doing any of them. Setting your sights on your long term goals and if you are prepared to make sacrifices to reach them. Choosing between instant gratification or achieving your long term goals and finding a balance between them.


What You Will Learn In This Episode:

  • Choosing between instant gratification or delaying it.
  • How to be more determined.
  • Paying attention and making decisions.
  • Are you prepared to make sacrifices to reach your long term goals?

Check out this episode!

  • September 14, 2021