Do you think this will work?

Children are so funny
Yesterday I was at Morriston Primary School doing an assembly about healthy living
We talked about good food to eat.....apples
We talked about what they like to & burgers
and we had a fun little workout being Super stars and Super boys & girls
Children have so much energy and want to be moving, running, jumping and playing and it was lovely seeing them get excited, putting their hands up to answer questions and letting me know how much they love salads - lol.
The schools are doing a fantastic job at educating the children but what happens when they get home?
What foods are they eating?
What quality time are they spending with parents/guardians?
How much are they moving and playing?
What habits are they picking up from their parents?
I know I've spoken to many women who want to change their lifestyle because they are worried their children will pick up on their worries about weight.
Having a healthy body, healthy mindset and healthy lifestyle needs to be taught and shown.
Children pick up on everything, constantly learning and absorbing.
I'm looking forward to visiting more schools over the next few weeks and sharing the inspiration around,
what I'm hoping is the children will go home and share the word and hope it will encourage more to get in touch with me to continue the healthy message at home.
Do you think this will work?
I'm hoping it does. Even if reading this now will encourage Mums & Dads to get in touch with me to start with taking the first step towards weight loss and being healthy.
P.S if you know of a school that would like me to visit, let me know.