Crazy 2:30am alarm weight loss plan | Tara Hammett

Crazy 2:30am alarm weight loss plan


I’m going to be on BBC Radio soon, talking about Mark Wahlberg’s crazy regime that he’s following at the moment, getting up at 230 in the morning!!

Could you get up at that time to do your workout?

Setting an alarm that early to be part of the 4am club is absolutely berserk, and I’m going to be talking on the radio about how people can actually get in shape without crazy things like this.

Now, I can definitely make it easier for you when you join my online plan. (You can join here now: )

However, what I want to share with you now is some things you definitely do not need to do in addition to things that you should be doing to make sure that you lose weight and keep it off.

We haven’t all got a nice multi million pound incentive to get us in shape and make us want to get up at that time, maybe I would get up at that time if I had the money on its way.

Anyway, my top tips:

#1 do something that is going to be sustainable for you that you can fit into your already busy day.

Could you ever get up at 2:30 and then stress out more, having a really busy day and go to bed at seven probably before your kids??

#2 You only need to exercise about three times a week. You do not need to be doing it twice a day, or you’re gonna burn yourself out. In addition to that, make sure you eat lots of healthy food that you like (even the odd glass of wine or the chocolates that you need )

#3 Make sure you get plenty of sleep. Anybody who carries on with a plan like that, they’re gonna be ill and injured and it’s not going to work. Scrap the 2:30 alarm and stay sleeping!

Short term quick fixes do not work

If you want to know how you can lose weight and keep it off, you can join in the 6 week plan which Is open now and starting this weekend!

Click here to join!

No 2:30am alarms necessary!



  • September 14, 2018