Can you see some collar bone?

The before and after certainly show some collar bone.
This is Kellie
Kellie started a journey with me and the team after applying for the Life Taransformer 10 programme.
She’s in
Like many (you even)
She kept on losing focus.
Back on track every Monday,
Caving every Thursday/Friday,
Guilty every Sunday
Back on track…..
You know the drill.
So, the time to change came.
on 10th October Kellie started with some SIMPLE steps
(I’ll share them with you in a mo)
She made a status on Facebook the other day DELIGHTED with how she’s done so far:
“Will never do any fad diets anymore.
Tara Hammett all the way, loving the changes, hit my 1 stone loss since 10th October today….
Still away from where I want to be but I will do my best to do it xx”
She also posted in our private group and after many comments of congratulations
and support Kellie joked “the first time in years I’ve been able to see some collar bone. Lol.”
She’s looking fantastic!
Wearing smaller clothes, got those skinny jeans on and loving the results so far which
are encouraging her to keep going.
Kellie made some really good points from her status which you can learn from.
You can ONLY do your best
Keep pushing, make small steps, challenge yourself and make sure you REALLY do your best.
Not ‘a little bit try’ YOUR BEST!
Never do any FAD DIETS
Eat plenty of food, fill your plate up, enjoy it.
Don’t be seduced by the latest pill. If it sounds too good to be true – very often it is.
All I will recommend you buy is REAL FOOD in your preferred supermarket.
All these miracle products tell you to use ‘in conjunction with healthy eating and regular exercise’ so how about you save the £50+ per month and just eat healthy and exercise?? << It’s that simple.
Still a way from where she wants to be.
But she’s still going. She’s going to be with me and the team right up to 18th December.
Just IMAGINE the difference that can be made between now and then!!
Tara Hammett all the way
^^^Should have made that the main point maybe – LOL
Main tip here is, she got some help from me.
She didn’t IGNORE my messages anymore
She didn’t READ my emails and delete them
She didn’t INBOX me and do NOTHING with the advice I gave
She took the step and started with the Detox Week.
JUST from the 7 days of Detox Week this is what Kellie achieved:
“Wooohoooo hubby been on plan with me too this week,
he has gone from 17st to 16st 4lb and I have gone from 14st 9 to 13st 14 xxx”
Even hubby got in on the action and lost – how cool!
So my advice to you is this:
Follow every point and take action on them.
For Maximum success chances, support and accountability.
Join up on my FINAL DETOX
(OMG did I just actually type that?!?!?!?!?!?!?)
The FINAL Detox programme of 2016.
Do NOT miss your chance to change and feel happier and healthier
Here’s the link to join.
We open on Friday.
This could be the start for you as we do the last one this year.
It’s only £20….Do you deserve that???
Yes you do!
Keep fit & fab
Tara xx
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