A load of Bull Sh…..??
This is the last email of the year!!!
So now it’s time for all the
New Year…Blah Blah
This is my year…
Lose Weight
Get fit
Change my relationship
Be Happy
So many WILL say this and maybe even
believe it right now.
Totally optimistic of the new start
Eaten and drunk too much,
feeling like shite and ready for the DIET
Soon though, after feeling miserable from less food and
more exercise which you hate, you hit the
valley of despair and think that
the miserable feelings before weren’t so bad.
New Years Resolutions can be successful
but you need some things first
Get some CLARITY
What do you REALLY want and WHY do you
even want it?
Get a PLAN
What are you going to do?
Why and when?
Who are you going to ask to help you?
When you plan something more specific, the chances are you’ll have better success.
Take my Life TARAnsformer girlies.
They’ve all got it COVERED
ready to kick off on MONDAY.
Have you?
Maybe not
This is one of my final reminders
You can take advantage of up to 75% off
in my Christmas SALE with my online
weight loss programmes.
These will DISAPPEAR tomorrow.
New Years Day…GONE
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Here’s the link
^^ New Year, New You Mumbo Jumbo in the link^^ 😉
Keep fit & fab
Tara xx
P.S. Next I’m calling another 2 girls who have applied for the LT5 12
week Taransformation.
More from me:
Take me anywhere with you on your smart phone, tablet or laptop
Get ALL my cookbooks to help you eat INCREDIBLE food and STILL lose weight
More INDULGE, Less GUILT– The Chocolate eBook www.taransformation.com/home/choc The DETOX COLLECTION Ebook http://taransformation.com/home/detox-ebook/ THE 21 Day ORIGINAL TARAnsformer Program My ULTIMATE weight loss, fitness & toning program https://tarahammett.com/programs/21-day-taransfomer/ The KICKSTART Weight loss 7 Day DETOX Program Eliminate those problems and detox with REAL FOOD to lose up to 9lbs https://tarahammett.com/programs/7-day-detox/ JOIN ANY DAY, ANY TIME WITH TARA’S INNER CIRCLE Workouts, Recipes, Mindset, Support and EPIC RESULTS every month |