A kick up the a$$ - Tara Hammett

A kick up the a$$

“Spoke with Tara on the phone
a few weeks ago and we talked about
my ‘yo-yo’ lifestyle.
Realised I needed to change my
relationship with food or else I was well
on my way to jumping on the diabetic train.
The key sentence from that phone call that
stuck is what I needed was that ‘kick up the a$$’.
Started off with buying on of Tara’s cookbooks….
lost 10lbs so far!!
So after the webinar tonight it was a NO BRAINER
for me to jump on this journey with you all over the
next 21 days to see what results I can get.
I’m excited to say the least “
Did you join in with my FREE Webinar last night?
There’s a lesson.
Take Action – Get Results
and with me – REWARDED!
Last night I gave away some BONUS FREEBIES
to the action takers.
4 FREE Cookbooks
12 FREE DVD Workouts
I talked about some of the success stories
from the TARAnsformer programmes.
The guys just like YOU who once
felt so miserable they avoided going out
The guys just like YOU who once
felt so embarrassed they hated their wobbly bits
spilling out of their clothes
But now, they’re an inspiration.
Loving Life
They motivated many who joined me last night to
take action and the group are getting excited.
Last night we introduced ourselves and I”m going
to be with them for 21 days, Just like I was with
Sandra and the team of detoxers last week.
Sandra posted on my Facebook wall.
She lost 9lbs during the week and
is so happy she’s going to
keep going.
The good thing with my programmes
is you will only ever be encouraged to eat REAL FOOD.
and lots of it.
Want to start your MONDAY with  BANG?
You’re too late for the 21 day programme now,
I’ve closed the doors.
You want recipes?
Meal Plan?
Guide to follow?
Start like Mr ‘I lost 10lbs’ did…
Follow my recipes so you KNOW what you should be eating.
You can start TODAY and
get excited about what recipe you’re going
to try first.
Keep fit & fab
Tara xx
P.S  Tomorrow I”m going to tell you
how to tone your whole body fast like the TARAnsformer Virgins
did on Wednesday. But here’s 12 mins for you to start NOW
More from me:

My FAMOUS 12 minute Workout DVD’s


Wear the FUNKIEST training gear with my TARAnsformer Workout clothes


YOUR one stop shop for STRESS FREE healthy meals

with all my COOKBOOKS


My 21 day ULTIMATE weight loss program


Register for my 7 day Detox Program.




  • February 8, 2016